River's Chi House

I have created this free site to provide information that might prove to be helpful to you or your family or friends or even to a stranger or two that might be in need of some help. The second link in the Link section will take you to the introduction to my bog. Links found near the top are the most useful for understanding chi and healing. There are some real treasures here if you but take the time to find them, inshAllah.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

We Are All Children Of The Mother Earth


A day of Silence

Can be a pilgrimage in itself.

A day of Silence

Can help you listen

To the Soul play

It's marvelous lute and drum.

Is not most talking

A crazed defense of a crumbling fort?

I thought we came here

To surrender in Silence,

To yield to Light and Happiness,

To Dance within

In celebration of Love's Victory!

("I Heard God Laughing" -- versions of Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky

Friday, March 02, 2007

Many Ways To Kiss The Ground.

" My" after getting a chi treatment.

River's healing place. Demonstrating one hand near, one hand far. My thumbs should be more relaxed, but c'est la framage. To enlarge click photos.

Preparation before treatment is important. Notice the pillow under his knees. It relaxes his muscles and allows him to sit comfortably through the treatment. We will chat more about how to prepare yourself or the person or animal you are treating. This is one I use when treating a somebody sitting on a chair. The young man is named Diamond and is my step-son and I love him and his brother and mother very much. They have brought more beauty in my life than I thought possible. There is NOTHING more important than real love between human beings. If you do not have that than there is NOTHING more important for you to work on right now.

Click on the photo for a closer look, This treatment is excellent for easing depression and elevating moods. It is sending chi into Bai Hui or Governing Meridian 20. the following link will take you to an explanation of the point. Just click on GV 20 and you will see.
I recommend ten to twenty minutes. It is also a good over all treatment for the body/mind/emotions.
Click photo to enlarge. I am running chi into Diamond's Governing Meridian 4 or Gate of Life or Ming Men. It does not matter what you call it as long as you treat it.(smile) Follow the link and than click GV4. Diamond is touching his bellybutton to show that Ming Men is on the spine parallel to the bellybutton.
Ming Men treatment will help clear heat from the whole body and help over all healing. It is also good to treat when you are feeling stressed or tired from overwork, or for fatigue, or lack of sexual vitality or sexual exhaustion. I recommend 10 to twenty minutes. You can try it for shorter periods if you like.

Click on the photo for a closer look. I am transmitting chi into Diamond's Gushing Springs or Kidney 1. You can use one or two finger. Both work. You can find it at the following link: http://www.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/kidney_meridian_graphic
Click onto K1 on the link for an explanation of K1. Kidney 1 is one of the most powerful points on the body. It is good for helping the whole body heal. It is also very good for leg problems when coupled with Liver 3. I recommend a ten to twenty minute treatment for this point.
Click the picture for better details. I am inducing chi into Diamond's "Great Surge" or Liver 3. You can find more information at the following link: http://www.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/liver_meridian_graphic
Click Liver 3 and see more details. This point is wonderful for increasing creativity and easing anger and other negative emotions. It is also excellent for treating any leg problems and for the eyes. Combined with Kidney 1 the results are excellent. I often run chi into one foot's Kidney 1 and the other foot's Liver 3 for 10 to twenty minutes. Ask the person you are treating to keep you informed about what is happening in their body while you treat them. Ask them to let you know where they feel the energy. Eventually they will feel it all over their body. Remember chi moves through the whole body no matter what point you treat.

A little chi kung goes a long way.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends.

The dogs can be found at the follwing link:

The painting can be found at the following link: http://www.picsandpoems.com/treasuregoodfriends.htm

If you find the information on this medical chi kung site helpful please let me know. If you do not understand something please let me know. If you tried something and it worked or did not work, please let me know. It is only by getting feed back from you that I can tell how to proceed. I wish to thank everyone who has given that feed back so far and urge you to please continue to do so on a regular basis.

Give Me A Hand And I Will Give You A Treatment

The picture above shows a treatment for the knee.

The picture above shows a treatment for the elbow.

Chi kung healing for the knee and elbow.
If your knee or elbow hurts or you want to help someone who's knee or elbow hurts try this. Look at the picture above and do what it shows. Place your finger on the middle knuckle of the little finger for knees or on the second fingers middle joint for elbow problems on the side of the body that has the knee pain or problem. You can just gently keep your fingers there for as long as needed. Or you can press and release press and release. This pressing and releasing is called pulsing. You can also just place your fingers above the knuckle and let your chi flow into them that way. Do not be surprised when people say they can feel the energy in other parts of their body. Remember the chi will flow to where their body needs it. The longer the contact the more the chi will spread and help the body heal it's self. Ask the person who is being treated to let you know what they are experiencing as the treatment progresses. The key is to do it long enough and often enough to get the pain free results you want. Most people like the direct physical contact. Do what makes you and or them feel the most comfortable. Later try another way. Always try something new after doing what is the most comfortable at first.
Healing takes time. It is rarely completed in one treatment. You can ease the pain but that is only the first step. The next step depends on the nature of the problem and the determination of the patient and healer. There are no magic bullets or philosophers stones for most people most of the time. Our society does not encourage real healing. It wants quick solutions .
The reality is that if you have a sprain or a muscle tear of arthritis or migraines or chronic fatigue repeated treatments will be necessary. You will have to have the determination and will power to study the nature of the problem and treat yourself over and over until the healing process produces long term results. That is something very few people have the desire, will, or time or money to do for themselves or others. That said what are we to do? I say it goes back to changing our society's mindset about healing and first to change our own

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

We All Need Medicine Bags

This Sioux Medicine Man can be found at http://www.sonofthesouth.net/union-generals/indians/medicine-man.htm

The painting is of a Medicine Woman and information on this artist can be found at the following link:

The old ways are not working. To many are sick and suffering. We are spending a fortune on health care and getting more big bills than real long term help. We need a new paradigm for healing. We need to be that new paradigm. We need to have at least one healer in every home. We need to become that healer. If you are reading this than you are the ONE! Congratulations.
I believe that every home needs a medicine box. This box should have information and products that can be used to treat effectively most of the health problems a family will encounter. My box has plenty of books, CD's and DVD's that relate to medical chi kung and other forms of healing. I also have a list of web sites and phone numbers that are healing related. My books include "Trigger Point Therapy Workbook, " "Magnetic Healing And Meditation" And all the books I have mentioned on this site. The box also contains a series of magnets and magnetic products. It has an acupoint stimulator and massage related instruments. Even though it is not in the box (smile) I include pure water (reverse osmosis filtered) to drink and cook with and vinegar and salt for our bath water. If you have never added a cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath try it. You will be pleased.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Treatment A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Click on the photo for a better look. The following treatment is from the Koryo hand therapy paradigm.
http://www.khtsystems.com/ Just use chi kung instead of needles.
If you have a headache or are feeling stressed this is a good treatment for you. Do not reach for the pain pill. Try some of this instead. Place your fingers in the position of the pictures. Than either just lightly hold them there until you feel more relaxed and or the pain is gone. Or keeping your fingers always in contact with each other, you can gently press and release, press and release, press and release It is called pulsing. Be patient and persistent. It can take awhile or it can be quick. Just keep at it until you feel better OK? While you are doing this make sure your jaw is slightly open and relaxed. Lower your shoulders. Make sure you are breathing so your lower abdomen goes out on the inhale and in on the exhale. Within a short time you will feel more relaxed and your head will stop hurting. Repeat as needed. Try this on yourself and use it for people who are stressed or have headaches. Tell them to open and relax their jaws. Make sure they lower their shoulders. Check to see that they are belly breathing. If they are not breathing good show them how to do it. Make sure you are doing it as well. This works if you work it.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Action is Better Than Sympathy For People In Pain

Buddha said that a big part of life was suffering. And the cure for suffering was knowledge and acting on that knowledge. The Christians say. " If you know these things, blessed are you, if you do them.
The great fourteenth century sufi mystic poet Hafiz Shiraz says it another way.
Whatever way you want to say it, learn chi kung healing and use it to help people is what I say. (laugh)

Just Looking For Trouble

I once had a student
Who would sit alone in his house at night
Shivering with worries
And fears.
And come morning,
He would often look as though
He had been raped
By a ghost.
Then one day my pity
Crafted for him a knife
From my own divine sword.
Since then,
I have become very proud
Of this student.
For now, come night,
Not only has he lost all his fears
Now he goes out
Just looking for trouble.
