What is a human being? It keeps coming back to that. What are we? Let us go back to how Chinese medicine sees a human being and how it compares to how a physicist might describe a human being. As I said earlier, both would be comfortable with the idea of a human being as a field of energy or a force field. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a field as having many different meanings. The one we are interested in is under the number " (7) physics - A region of space characterized by a physical property such as a gravitational or electromagnetic force or fluid pressure, having a determinable value at every point in the region."
Under field of force or force field we have, " Field of Force- A region of space throughout which the force produced by an agent or several agents, such as an electric charge, is operative. Also called force field." So we are a force field. Cool. Here I was thinking I was just flesh and bones that thinks and feels. (smile)
Now I see that I am a vibrating multi-colored force field. Some of the vibrations within my field slows down and produce matter or that which I can see or feel.
What would it be like if we could see and experience ourselves not just as our eyes see us. What if we could see and experience ourselves as a force field of vibrating multi-colored energy? What if we could see and experience our relationship with our environment the same way?
We can do that with a committed and disciplined study and practice of chi kung. We can get glimpses of ourselves and our environment as energy fields if we open ourselves to the possibility and do what it takes. That is why I study and practice chi kung. That is why I hope you do as well. Once you experience yourself and all life as a radiating field of energy, even just for a very brief moment, your life changes forever. You are no longer confined to the small sometimes suffocating realm of the senses. You are not just a small powerless person in a huge, uncaring, crazy, social world. You are a radiating child of the Heaven and Earth. All of creation is your family and home. You realize that we are never alone or unloved and that the Universe is as open to you as you are to it. As a friend of mine said after experiencing himself as energy, "To hell with existentialism. Life is good!"
Now that we can understand ourselves as a force field we are almost ready to chi kung. First lets examine our force field relative to what we need to know to practice simple aspects of chi kung. Within our force field there are many flows of energy. These flows can be compared to the rivers and streams of the earth. The most powerful flows are called meridians and Extraordinary Vessels or Extraordinary Channels . There are twelve major meridians and Eight Extraordinary channels. We will explore the meridians and vessels later. Right now it is just important to know they exist. For more information on the locations of meridians and channels follow this link. http://www.yinyanghouse.com/acupoints/ki1.html This web site should be on everyones link list. It is the site I go to more often than any I have in my healing link section. You can find ways to treat any problem you may encounter physically if you know how to use it correctly. You will learn how on this blog if you like. It is up to you. If you want it , here it is.
Besides energy flows there are also a number of smaller force fields. Yoga recognizes eight and calls them chakras. The Chinese relate to three and call them dan tiens. When a meridian or channel is weakened the lower dan tien provides energy to balance and strengthen it. That is one of many good reasons for doing what it takes to keep the lower dan tien strong. Chi kung exercises keeps all your dan tiens strong.
I am now going to take you on a brief tour of your body from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. First, smile. Imagine that your heart is smiling. Imagine your lower abdomen is smiling. Second, make sure you are breathing so your belly goes out on the in breath and in on the out breath. Third, make sure you are sitting in a comfortable position. Place your feet flat on the ground. Feel your feet and the ground they rest on. Feel your legs and adjust them to be as comfortable as possible. Make sure your hips and abdomen are adjusted and comfortable. Take your time and make sure your back is relatively straight and comfortable. Adjust and relax your chest and let your inhale flow all the way to your lower abdomen. Exhale and relax. Adjust and relax your neck and shoulders and arms and hands. Adjust and relax your head so you are comfortable.
Imagine a line gong from the tip of one ear to the tip of the other ear. Now imagine another line going from the center of the tip of your nose to the line joining your ears. Where the two lines meet is one of the most powerful points in your energy field. It is called bai hui or "the meeting place of a hundred points". It is important to understand that when I use the word point I am not speaking of a western point on a line. Rather I am referring to a dynamic area in a flow of energy i.e. a meridian, within our energy field. The points or areas are in, not on, the meridians. The Chinese have discover well over three hundred places on the twelve meridians that when stimulated produce effects that benefit or harm the field. Bai hui is one of the most powerful places on the body. Love your bai hui. Place a big smile in your bai hui whenever you can. Our whole energy field responds positively when we smile. Any place in the body we visualize a smile is helped by the smile. Try it.
Remember I wrote that a human being is blending of energies of the Heaven and Earth. The bai hui is the most important place that Heaven energy enters the human field. The bai hui g.v. 20 http://www.yinyanghouse.com/acupoints/gv_meridian.html is found on the Governing Vessel or Channel it is refered to as g.v. 20 . ( link to location of bai hui and G,N. Treating bai hui can produce many wonderful effects in your field. Just being aware of bai hui and visualizing a smile in the area is powerful medicine. Love bai hui. I sometimes imagine and feel the love of the universe pouring into me through my smiling bai hui. The wonderful thing is that it is true.
Move your awareness from bai hui right through the center line of the interior your body to your perineum. The perineum is the area between your sex organ and your anus. Their is a dynamic point in the middle of the perineum called hui yin or "meeting place of yin". I will refer to the line of force that runs between bai hui and hui yin as the center cannel. This center channel is a powerful flow and you will work with it often during chi kung practice. Move your awareness from bai hui through the central core of your body to hui yin and than from hui yin back to bai hui. The more you do this the better for the health of your body. Visualize a smile at both points. Imagine you are sending a smile from bai hui to hui yin and from hui yin to bai hui. Imagine the points are friends and love communicating with each other.
Back to bai hui. Flow your awareness down from bai hui to the middle of your head just behind your eyeballs. This dynamic area is called the upper dan tien. Imagine the area as a radiating energy field of golden white light. Place a smile within the golden white field of light. I will say more about the dan tiens at a later date. It is just important for now that you know where they are and to visualize smiles in them whenever you can. The benefits are wonderful when the dan tiens smile.
From upper dan tien move gently down through the center of your body to
the middle of your chest cavity. Here you will find a smiling pink white energy field called the middle dan tien. Smile with the smiling middle dan tien.
From the middle dan tien drift down to the smiling lower dan tien located in your lower abdomen in the space between your kidneys and your navel. The lower dan tien is a very powerful red field of energy. Make sure it is always smiling and you will be rewarded many times over for your efforts.
Japanese practitioners of Chinese medicine pay more attention to the lower dan tien in their treatments and explorations than do the Chinese. The Japanese call the lower dan tien the hara. Kiiko Matsumoto wrote an excellent book called " The Hara" that I highly recommend to anyone wishing to know more about the lower dan tien. She has also written a number of good books on the eight extraordinary channels. Because of the Japanese contributions to my understanding of the lower dan tien I will sometimes use the name hara when referring to that field of energy. The more time and effort you spend with the lower dan tien the more amazed you will be at what it is to be human. But that is for another time. Give your hara a big smile and lets go on.
All the major meridians and channels flow through the dan tien. Let me introduce you to the Governing Channel. It starts here in the dan tien and flows down to the perineum hui yin and up your back parallel to the spine over the top of the head to the inside of the roof of the mouth just behind where the two front teeth meet. The bai hui point is on the Governing Channel.
There is another very special and powerful place or point on the governing channel called ming men or "gate of life". Ming Men is located parallel to your navel in the Governing Channel. Visualize a beautiful happy smile in the ming men. More about the ming men later.
From ming men move on up past bai hui (is bai hui smiling?)to the end of the governing Channel on the roof of the mouth behind the front teeth. Touch the tip of your tong to the end of the Governing Channel. Another powerful channel or flow of energy starts where the tip of the tongue touches the end of the Governing Channel. This energy flow is called the Conception Channel. This channel splits into two branches. One branch flows out from the end of the Governing Channel to the groove on your face between your lips and your nose. It flows just under the skin and around the lips and down the mid-line of the chest to just above the pelvic bone where it then enters the lower dan tien. The second branch of the Conception Channel flows down through the tongue and come out at the base of your throat where it connects with the first branch.
So here we are back at the dan tien. From dan tien move down through both legs to the bottom of your feet. Remember bai hui. It is the place where heaven energy enters the body. Earth energy enters your body through two point or places on two energy flows or meridians called the kidney meridians. The kidney meridians starts at the sole of your feet. According to the acupuncture text book " Fundamentals of Chinese Acupuncture" The kidney meridian begins " in the depression appearing on the sole when the foot is in planter flexion, about one third of the distance from the base of the toes to the heel." These points are called Kidney one or yong quan meaning " gushing spring". You can almost see or feel earth energy gushing up and into your energy field. I love feeling that. Visualize big happy smiles in both gushing springs. Become very familiar with gushing springs and you will become more grounded and have better health. That is true of all the points and channels you have discovered within your self.
One of my favorite quotes from the Bible is, "If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them." If you study and practice chi kung with a good heart and a disciplined mind a new life will open up to you. You will be blessed in more ways than you can now imagine. I know that from my own experience and the experience of many fellow students and practitioner. Come on it the water is wonderful.
1 comment:
Blog Comment
Wow! I AM amazed at the amount of valuable information you so freely give here...so eloquently. I AM honored to have met you and Mai and look forward to getting to know you both better. I have book marked your blog to go back and read more. It truly is awesome and so beautifully done.
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