Inner Organ Smile chi kung is very important to understand and practice. First, remember that all things, including YOU exist between Heaven and Earth. Before any chi kung practice it is important to root yourself in context of existence. Which means consciously experiencing yourself as existing as a part of the Unified Field that is Heaven and Earth. Use your imagination to see the whole of existence like seeing the stars in the desert far from man made lights in the middle of the night. That is Heaven. Now imagine that all the stars are one BIG SMILE. Smile back to the SMILE of the Heaven. Now imagine the Earth. See her in all her colorful glory. Imagine she is one BIG Smile and She is smiling with love at YOU. Let yourself smile back to Her. Now imagine the beautiful lower dan tien as a red glowing smile. Dan tien is smiling so smile back and become the smiling lower dan tien. Imagine that you, the Earth and the Heaven are all smiling together and are ONE. You are now rooted in the Heaven and Earth. You are ready to start any chi kung practice.
Some chi kung practitioners, me among them, believe that each organ has a consciousness.That each organ can understand and communicate with us if given a chance to do so. Western medicine knows that whatever you pay attention to in your body is affected. Circulation of blood and other fluids and energy is increased in those areas where we place our awareness. So this chi kung exercise will benefit you in multiple ways. It will increase your understanding of where your organs are in your body and increase circulation to and from them. This exercise might even lead to a life long friendship with some or all of them. I particularly enjoy my liver's sense of humor.
So we start. Go to your liver. Imagine the liver is a beautiful green color. Visualize or just know that your green liver is smiling at you. Smile back at your smiling liver. Now move up to your heart. Imagine your heart is a wonderful red color. See the red heart smiling at you. Smile back. Now move down to your stomach and spleen. Imagine they are a lovely yellow color. They are smiling at you. Smile back at them. Move back up to your lungs. They are a radiant whit color. They are smiling so happily at you. Return the smile. Move down to your kidneys. They are a blue black color like dark blue black grapes. What do you know? They are smiling. welcoming you, like you would a good friend. Smile back at them. You have such friendly happy welcoming organs. They are so happy to see you. It is so good to see them, that you cannot help smiling whenever you come to visit.
Go to your smiling liver and start the cycle again and again and again. I recommend about five to ten rotations to start and work up to five or ten minutes. It helps to set a timer or have a clock near by.
When you have finished this chi kung return your awareness to the smiling lower dan tien and smile at it. Intend for all the excess chi generated during the practice to go and be stored in the lower dan tien. Whenever you do any form of chi kung you generate a lot of chi. By consciously intending for excess chi to go to the lower dan tien it will go there. Take that on trust for now. Later if you do this and other chi kung practices you will feel it flowing to your lower dan tien.
Inner Organ Smile chi kung is a wonderful practice for all kinds of problems. And if you have no problems it is a good way to make some new friends. Your organs would like to get to experience your love and friendship more. Besides it couldn't hurt, as my Friends mom use to tell me.
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