In this photo My right hand is treating both of his Bladder-17 points ( Using the Koryo Hand therapy paradigm) and my left hand is treating his bladder, Kidney and Gall Bladder meridians. The treatment should be good for the whole back of his body from his head to his feet. Just so you will know, I do have other cloths. It is just that I really like wearing this outfit. It is comfortable and I love comfort. Perhaps it is my French blood. (laugh) Perhaps in the next photos I will wear something different. Perhaps not. Who knows?
I have created this free site to provide information that might prove to be helpful to you or your family or friends or even to a stranger or two that might be in need of some help. The second link in the Link section will take you to the introduction to my bog. Links found near the top are the most useful for understanding chi and healing. There are some real treasures here if you but take the time to find them, inshAllah.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
There Are Many Ways To Treat The Master Points Including This Way.
In this photo My right hand is treating both of his Bladder-17 points ( Using the Koryo Hand therapy paradigm) and my left hand is treating his bladder, Kidney and Gall Bladder meridians. The treatment should be good for the whole back of his body from his head to his feet. Just so you will know, I do have other cloths. It is just that I really like wearing this outfit. It is comfortable and I love comfort. Perhaps it is my French blood. (laugh) Perhaps in the next photos I will wear something different. Perhaps not. Who knows?
A Message From My
One of my wife's names is My. It can get confusing sometimes if you do not know or remember this. My wanted me to remind you of how incredibly effective it can be to rub and massage your hands in relationship to a problem you are experiencing. She has been treating herself because she sprained some muscles in her thighs. My studies and practices martial arts. She was also snowboarding this winter. So long story short, she sprained the muscles in both of her thighs. She is being treated by both of us. My has found the massaging and pressing of her little fingers to be very effective in reducing pain and speeding up healing in her legs. It takes time to heal and we need to be patient and persistent with ourselves through the process. This site is so important because it helps us learn how to learn. Once we have a solid foundation in understanding and applying healing techniques we can really start to have fun. My and my hearts walks with your heart through this
Friday, March 09, 2007
You can Never Get Enough Of Sky Nourishes Earth

The site linked below is also helpful;
The drawing links to a good website for breathing exercise:
Before we can go on I have to write this.
Sky Nourishes Earth is the key to so much healing I feel compelled to write about it once more. Let us strip it down to it's simplest form. You can divide Sky Nourishes Earth into three parts. First, it is a way of checking to see, feel, and experience if you are breathing in a healthy or unhealthy way. If your diaphragm goes down and your belly goes out on the inhale and your diaphragm goes up and your belly goes in on the exhale you are breathing in a good and healthy way. Continue to do so all through the day and night and especially when you are stressed out or in pain. If your diaphragm does not go down and your belly does not go out on the inhale and your diaphragm does not go up and your belly does not go in on the exhale you MUST change the way you breath period! Do not bother reading or doing anything else on this blog until you master your breathing.
Part two of Sky Nourishes Earth is a way of noticing and releasing any unnecessary muscle tension in the body. Starting at the top of the head notice if your temples and forehead are tense. If you find any muscle tension in this area, relax and release it. Move down through your head and notice if your teeth are touching and if your jaws are tight or tensed. If your mouth is closed open it slightly and release any muscle tension in your jaws.
Move down to your neck and shoulders. Notice if your shoulders rise up as you inhale. If they do check your breathing. Notice and release any muscle tension in your neck and shoulders. Make sure there is only minimum rising of the shoulders during inhaling.
Move through your arms and hands and notice and release any unnecessary muscle tension.
Move through the trunk of your body, front back and sides. Notice and release any unnecessary muscle tension. Adjust your posture as needed to be in the most relaxed position possible. Notice your diaphragm and belly. Is your breathing good? If not, change it.
Move through your legs and feet and notice and release any unnecessary muscle tension.
Part Three of Sky Nourishes Earth. As you move through your body become aware of the locations of the three dan tiens within your body. Upper dan tien in the center of the head. Middle dan tien in the middle of your chest near the heart and lower dan tien just below the navel in the center of the body.
There is a part four of Sky Nourishes Earth for more advanced students. Place smiles in all three dan tiens and place a smile anywhere you feel pain. As you move through your body notice and smile at every smile you meet. You can also imagine that the Sky is flowing through the top of your head and moving through your entire body like a warm healing flow of energy water, relaxing, cleaning and healing you as you do the exercise. The warm, healing, strengthening Sky chi water flows through your body and out into the Earth taking your pain and discomfort into the Earth where it is transformed into good energy to Nourish the Earth and all our sister and brother creatures great and small. This is Sky Nourishing Earth.
Repeat sky Nourishes Earth for as many times as you can. I do it for about five minutes at a time. I urge you do Sky Nourishes Earth about three times any time after you work on anyone. This will clean your energy field. You will need to clean your field after working on anyone for any length of time. If you have your own way of clearing you can use that instead. It does not matter how you clear as long as you do it.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
It Can All Be Found In Your Hand. How to use the hands reflectivly treat the body
You can enlarge the above illustration by clicking it. I urge you to become very familiar with it. Koryo Hand Therapy is one of the easiest ways to treat yourself or others.
The picture above is from Larry Johnson's book "Magnetic Healing and Mediation," a must have book. The book link is on my link section. Remember if you hurt or have problems anywhere, find the place on the hand that corresponds to the place that hurts or needs attention. Touch and hold that place for a few minutes and feel the pain ease or go away. You do not even have to physically touch the hand. Just hold or move your finger or fingers above the area. It will take some time so do not expect results instantaneously. A clockwise movement will decrease inflammation and ease pain. If you need to strengthen an area move your fingers in a clockwise direction. While you do not have to touch physically to get results, touch is very powerful and healing. I think it is almost always good to massage and press the parts of the hand that reflect to the pain or other problems.
The photos below are of the eight paired or coupled Master Points on the hand as used in the Koryo Hand Therapy paradigm. Below each photo is a list of problems that can benefit by placing your fingers above or on the points for periods of time. Remember, moving your hands or fingers in a counter clockwise direction will decrease inflammation and or pain. If the area is weak and needs strength than move in a clockwise direction. I would urge you to look at and buy Kiko's book Extraordinary Vessels for more detailed information. I recommend her book to all who want to be chi kung healers. I would advise trying to buy it first on it will probably be less expensive there.
Most of the information found below comes from her book. I have had very good results running chi through the points she recommends. I do it for anywhere from five to twenty minutes at a time depending on feedback from the people I am attempting to help. As I have said before, touch and pressure is almost always good. So you can rub and press the Master Points as well and get good things from doing it.
Use UB-62 for the following problems:
inability to concentrate. arm and hand pain, numbness in arms and legs, lumbar, neck and back pain, sciatica, deafness, dizziness, eyes problems, headache, including migraines, joint pains, stiff neck, shoulder pain, wrist and ankle pain or arthritis, over excitement, tinnitus, and finger pain.
SI-3 can be used for the following problems;
arm and leg problems including numbness, spasms, weakness, tightness and difficulty stretching, wrist pain, back and thigh pain especially lower back, deafness, eye problems including red and painful eyes, tearing, swollen. glaucoma, conjunctivitis.finger and hand numbness and spasms, headaches, neck problems, teeth pain, throat problems, jaundice, leg, knee ans ankle problems. Mental conditions. difficulty standing up,arteriosclerosis,influenza, malaria, sciatica, shoulder pain
SI-3 can be used for the following problems;
arm and leg problems including numbness, spasms, weakness, tightness and difficulty stretching, wrist pain, back and thigh pain especially lower back, deafness, eye problems including red and painful eyes, tearing, swollen. glaucoma, conjunctivitis.finger and hand numbness and spasms, headaches, neck problems, teeth pain, throat problems, jaundice, leg, knee ans ankle problems. Mental conditions. difficulty standing up,arteriosclerosis,influenza, malaria, sciatica, shoulder pain
Lung-7 can be used for the following problems; lower abdomen problems, arm, shoulder and wrist problems, post partum emotional stress, asthma, chest problems, convulsions in children, coughing, constipation, farcical paralysis, mouth problems, tooth pain, tonsillitis, hoariness, heart and abdomen pain, hemorrhoids, labor difficulty, ankle joint pain, swollen legs, swollen foot, including edema, menstrual problems, vaginal discharge, hernia and appendicitis.
Gall Bladder-41 can help the following problems, arm and leg pain, shoulder and back problems, arm and leg tightness and numbness, chest and rib pain, deafness, eye problems, ankle and foot pain and swelling, finger and hand problems, Bell's palsy, sore back of skull, headache, elbow, knees, lumbar, and shoulder pain, swollen and painful knees and legs, lumbar and groin pain, difficult strained movements in lumbar and kidney areas, thigh and bladder pain, menstruation problems including cramps, malaria and anemia, pneumonia, vomiting, common cold, constipation and high fever.
Triple Warmer or Burner-5 is useful for the following problems; arm shoulder and leg problems,paralysis, back and groin and muscle and bone problems, chest and rib pain, eyes and ears problems, and problems with the head, hands and feet and vertigo.
Pericardium-6 is helpful for the following; chest and abdomen problems, hemorrhoids, and anal prolapse, epilepsy, headaches and difficulty swallowing, lazy eye, tinnitus, angina pectorals, heart and circulatory problems, constipation, intestinal problems, mental problems, stomachaches, ulcer, stomach cancer, and stomach diseases of all types, vomiting, indigestion, lumbar pain and impotence.
Spleen-4 can help the following problems; painful anus, chest problems and pain, diaphragm problem, menstrual problems, mental problems, surgery pain, allergies, cholera, pain in arms, elbows and four limbs,and ankles, fevers, hepatitis, dizziness and asthma.
Now you know why these points are called MASTER POINTS and are so powerful n'est pas? (big smile)
A Good Student Can Learn From A Sign On The Road.

This boy is a good student. Be a good student. The above photo can be found at the following link;
If you want the best benefits from this blog you will have to earn it through your own efforts. This is not a pill or a quick fix. It does require sincere effort and practice and reflection and study and more practice. Sorry, but this place is a place to work. There are usually no quick fixes for difficult problems. This blog is for people who need what it contains the way a woman/man needs to help her/his child or a man/woman/child in pain needs help. Most people will not spend the time or effort it takes to really benefit from this place. So be it. For those who will put sincere and consistent effort into this site and the books and places it links to, there will be big time benefits.
The BEST way to use this site is to form a healing study circle. Find people who want to learn and practice healing and use this and other resources to educate yourselves. There will come a time when healing circles will be common. Please help it be so. As Rumi says " Even a jackass crosses the desert better in company." Find some friends and take the journey.
If you want the best benefits from this blog you will have to earn it through your own efforts. This is not a pill or a quick fix. It does require sincere effort and practice and reflection and study and more practice. Sorry, but this place is a place to work. There are usually no quick fixes for difficult problems. This blog is for people who need what it contains the way a woman/man needs to help her/his child or a man/woman/child in pain needs help. Most people will not spend the time or effort it takes to really benefit from this place. So be it. For those who will put sincere and consistent effort into this site and the books and places it links to, there will be big time benefits.
The BEST way to use this site is to form a healing study circle. Find people who want to learn and practice healing and use this and other resources to educate yourselves. There will come a time when healing circles will be common. Please help it be so. As Rumi says " Even a jackass crosses the desert better in company." Find some friends and take the journey.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
The Extraordinary Vessels The Wave Of The Future

I am going to write more about the Extraordinary Vessels but I want to get this out now. Sort of a preview of coming attractions. The Extraordinary Vessels might be understood as a deeper or more subtle level or our selves as energy than either the physical body or the medians. Because they are at a more root level, when they are strong the whole body is strong and when they are weak the whole body is weaker. Strengthening the Extraordinary Vessels is vital for people with Chronic fatigue or other immune deficiency problems. Do not be intimidated by the Extraordinary Vessels. So much about them is unclear even to veteran healers. It is the eight Master Points found within the Extraordinary Vessels paradigm that are the keys to so much healing possibilities. I highly urge you to explore the Vessels and the paired points on the meridians that effect them. Unlike the meridians the Extraordinary Vessels with two important exceptions, have no recognized treatment points along their line of flow. But they can be and are effected by points on eight different meridians. The points are often called Master Points because they are so powerful and effect so many different conditions. It has been found that using two points together produces particularly good results. The best paring of points are called appropriately enough the paired or coupled points. Go figure. (smile) The paired points are SP-4 and PC-6, SI-3 and BL-62, GB-41 and TW or TB -41, LU-7 and KI-6. Using the Koryo hand therapy model, I most often treat the paired Master Points on the hands. It is easier to reach two points at the same time this way. I will most often touch and hold my position on the two points at the same time for ten to twenty minutes.
For an introduction the the Extraordinary Vessels I refer you to two links: Here you will find a good initial explanation of the Vessels. You can find more details on the points and at: And you can find more details in "Magnetic Healing And Mediation" the book by Larry King.
Kiko Matsumoto and Stephen Birch have written an excellent book on the vessels and their uses for treating a wide range of problems using the eight points. I use their book and Larry's book more often than I can count to figure out how to treat people. The results are almost always good. Try it. Both books should be on your book shelf or in your medicine box. Kiko's book can be found at the following link:
Because it is so important I would like to repeat that the cool thing about the Master Points is that there are so few of them and they do work for so many problems. And you do not have to understand the Extraordinary Vessels to get results by using the Master Points. But the more you understand the Extraordinary Vessels the better will be your knowledge and abilities as a healer. My next post will have photos showing the paired Master Points on the hand and some of the many problems they can help heal.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Between Heaven And Earth All Things Occur

The artist is just below the Goddess in beauty for me. This is one of "My's " painting.

The artis said this about her work;
"This painting you chosen call 'Hope'... It's for the nature... Thank's for this choice... "

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Being able to use intentional imagination is one of the most important ingredients in chi kung and in self healing in general. This truth h...
The Koryo Hand Therapy book can be found at the following wesite: The two ...
One Hand Near One Hand Far is a very powerful healing technique developed by a chi kung master named Dr Zia Gang Sha. You can find more abou...
This drawing comes from Mantak Chia's webpage: This drawing links to the follo...