I am going to introduce you to another very powerful healing and spiritual technique. It is called Koryo Hand Therapy and was developed in Korea in 1971 by Dr Yoo Tae-woo. I will let him tell you how he came to bring this gift to the world. " One Autumn night in 1971, I was awaken from sleep by sever pain in the back of my head. For some reason, I found myself staring at the back of my middle finger. It occurred to me to stick my finger with the tip of a ball point pen and , indeed, I found a particularly painful area. I then proceeded to insert a needle in this sensitive spot. The headache was gone."
Here was the beginning of a system of alternative medicine, soojichim. that has taken Korea by storm and spread to fifty countries. Starting in Japan in 1978, as of today 16 countries in Asia, Europe and the Americas have KHT centers teaching the techniques. Korea has over 190 centers and over three million people have taken training.
....KHT is practiced mostly by lay people rather than by licensed doctors. In Korea thousands of people treat friends and strangers without a fee. Some accomplished practitioners have ailing patients lined up outside their door."
The above article comes from the May 2001 magazine, Martial, Fitness& Health.
What the good Dr Yoo found was that the hand contained a hologram for the entire body. Within the hologram is a complete system of meridians.dan tiend and chakras. By treating hand points with needles, moxibustion, magnets, pressure, touch, or chi projections one could get the same results as treating the points on the body directly. This was an incredible discovery.
I was introduced to this therapy by one of my students in Miami Beach in 1992. She gave me a book called " Magnetic Healing and Meditation" , by Larry Johnson O.M.D It explains how to treat people with magnets instead of needles using the Koryo hand method. By the way Koryo means Korea. Just in case you were wondering.
I had been using magnets, body work and chi projection to treat a whole series of conditions and was always looking for new and effective techniques. I have always taught what I use to others in groups and individual sessions, I had at that time a number of students in Miami. My students all know that I am always on the lookout for new and effective healing techniques. So I get lots of information about things they discover and find useful. This book profoundly effected me and changed dramatically how I work. I recommend it to everyone. And I salute and thank Larry Johnson for publishing it. You can get the book at the following site: http://www.redwingbooks.com/products/books/MagHeaMed.cfm
I have treated effectively everything from headaches, to sports injures, to chronic fatigue using the techniques I have learned as a result of reading "Magnetic Healing and Meditation". The key for me is to take what I learn and find new ways to use it. I urge you to do the same. I have taught hundreds of people what I learned in the US and Canada over the last 14 years. I hope you take the time to learn and practice Koryo hand therapy. I will write more later.
I tried to refer you to a site that explains Koryo Hand Therapy in more detail. Unfortuately, the site will not download for now. I am trying to reach Dr Lawrence Li who put out this document to ask him if I can have a link to a copy or if I can put it on this site some other way. Until then, if you want the information just email me and I will send the right document. It is worth having. Or you can follow this next link to a googel search and it is there the 5th search down. It says pdf file Becoming an instant Acupuncturist: Basic Level Korean Hand Therapy. I will figure out how to link to it eventually. Googel search can take you on a good journey of understanding about Koryo hand therapy for those who want to know more.I suggest you do a googel search and take a voyage of discovery. You will find treasures if you do. Just remember, " If you know these things, blessed are you, if you do them."
An article from Acupuncture Today on Koryo Hand Therapy http://www.acupuncturetoday.com/archives2003/nov/11enuresis.html
The link for K.H.T website:http://www.khtsystems.com/