The first chi kung I am sharing is not Chinese but is from a mystical school in Nicosia Cyprus. Their web site is worth checking out.http://www.researchersoftruth.org/
I studied with a branch of this group in Cleveland Ohio before I had heard of chi kung. This simple to do exercise was my first introduction to energy work and resulted in me having a very powerful and transformative experience. There are some things I am going to leave out about how to do this exercise in a more profound way because I do not want to be responsible for any consequences you might experience. You can get in touch with the people of the above web site if you want to explore further. The parts that follow are very good and powerful independently and I urge you to try it out over a period of time.
I had done this exercise everyday for a number of weeks when at the end of a practices I felt a huge wind sweep through my room and felt like I was about to be blown off the bed. I was wide awake but unable to move. Other things happened inside and outside my body that are inexplicable but they did happen. I did not do the exercise again for almost a year. Nothing like what happened that day has happened since. Then again I do not do the parts of the exercise I left out. Maybe one day I will do it again, but not now. (sigh)
This following exercise has three important aspects. The
first is physical sensing. That is being aware of an area of your body. The
second is kinetic sensing. That is moving your awareness over and through an
area of your body. The third aspect is using visualization within an area of
your body and an area surrounding your body.
We start with physical sensing.
Let your mind calm and your body relax from head to toe and
from outside too deep within. When you find your mind wondering during the
practice gently let go of the thought or emotion and return to the practice.
When you find any unnecessary tension in the body gently relax and return to
the practice. This holds true for any chi kung practice you are doing.
1) Bring your awareness to your feet. Feel your feet. One of
my friends recommends that if you have a hard time feeling a part of your body
that you touch and even rub that part and then feel it with your awareness.
Feel the bottom of your feet. Feel the sides and the top of your feet. Feel the
muscles and tendons and bones. Just feel as much and as deeply as you can
without too much effort. The more you do it the more you will feel. One of my
teachers said the key is "effortless effort." another teacher said
that it is like doing like you are not doing but still do. Another said use
relaxed intensity. Take your pick.
2) Feel your lower legs. Feel the skin, front, back and
sides. Feel the muscles and tendons and bones.
3) Feel your upper legs to the hips. Feel the skin, front,
back and sides. Feel the muscles and tendons and bones.
4) Feel your lower abdomen. Feel the skin, front back and
sides. Feel your sex organ. Feel your buttocks. Fell the muscles and tendons
and bones. Fell the bladder and the intestines.
5) Feel your chest area and shoulders. Feel the skin, front
back and sides. Feel the muscles and tendons and bones. Feel the major organs,
stomach, spleen, liver, kidneys, heart, and lungs.
6) Feel your upper arms. Fell the skin, front back and
sides. Feel the muscles and tendons and bones.
7) Feel your lower arms. Feel the skin, front back and
sides. Feel the muscles and tendons and bones.
8) Feel your neck/throat. Feel the skin, front back and
sides. Feel your muscles and vertebrate. Feel the inside of your throat.
9) Feel your head. Feel the skin, front, back and sides. Feel
the muscles and bones. Feel the mouth and tong. Feel the eyes and ears. Feel
the brain and its cavity.
10) Feel the space around your whole body where the skin
meets the surface it is touching be it air or floor or your clothes or shoes or
anything else. Just feel as much as you can.
Part 2 Kinetic sensing or moving awareness.
1) Let your awareness move or flow through the tips of your
toes through your feet to your ankles.
2) Feel your awareness move from your feet through your
lower legs to your knees.
3) From your knees let your awareness flow up through your
upper legs to your hips.
4) From your hips flow through your lower abdomen and sex
organs and buttocks to the diaphragm and the floor of your rib cage.
5) From your diaphragm and floor of your rib cage move
through your upper chest to your shoulders.
6) From your shoulders move your awareness down the upper
arms to your elbows.
7) From your elbows move down the lower arms to your wrists.
8) From your wrists move your awareness through your hands
to the tips of your fingers.
9) From your upper torso move your awareness through your
10) From your throat move your awareness through your head
to the top of your skull.
11) Feel the space where the skin or hair on the top of your
head meets the air.
12) Finally using your imagination and your awareness move
from the space above your head through your whole body including the area
around your body to a place just below the bottom of your feet.
Part 3: Visualization sensing. 1) See and feel your feet and
legs filled with bright vibrating white light.
2) See and feel a bright blue white ball of light vibrating
in and filling up your abdomen.
3) See and feel a bright pink white ball of energy vibrating
in your heart area filling up your chest.
4) See and feel your arms and hands filled with vibrating
bright white light.
5) See and fell your neck/throat filled with a vibrating
orange white ball of light.
6) See and feel your head filled with a bright vibrating
golden white ball of light.
7 See and feel your whole body surrounded by a beautiful
gold and white egg shaped bright light.
8) Rest in the golden egg as long or as short as
you like. When you are ready, see and feel the golden light moving from the outside
of your body through your whole body into your lower abdomen. Feel the lower
abdomen expand as you inhale and contract as you exhale for three breaths. Than
relax. You have completed the practice. You can do this exercise in bed,
sitting down or even walking. You can do it as short or as long as you desire.