Please remember that you do not have to press or even touch these points you will read about below. You can use chi kung healing techniques and they will be just as effective on you and the people you help. Let us revue for a moment.
Your active and sustained attention guides chi or energy. So make sure you keep your intent clear as you treat yourself or others. Remember counter-clockwise movements of your fingers on or above the area will decrease tension and pain. Clock-wise movements will increase energy to the area. For stress relief, counter-clockwise movements are usually preferable. If you are working with color I recommend green or yellow or blue-green or gold or white.
My wife says if nobody can treat you, take a nice vinegar bath. Light some candles, play some nice music, have the kids mow the lawn and relax. Tomorrow is Mother's Day and she wants me to urge all the mothers, especially those who are sad or lonely, to take some time to be kind and good to yourselves today and tomorrow and forever. I agree.
The following article can be found by clicking the next link.
According Chinese medicine, depression can occur when you repress certain emotions, such as anger or guilt. Using anti-depression acupressure points can help to release this blocked energy. Once it is free to rise to the surface, you can examine these feelings and try to gain a greater understanding of them.
The following are important acupressure points for relieving depression. You do not have to use all of the points listed below. Using just one or two of them
whenever you have a free hand can be effective in controlling your depression.
Head Points
Consists of 3 points:
The Posterior Summit (GV 19)
One Hundred Meeting Point (GV 20)
Anterior Summit (GV 21)
These points are all located on the top of the head. Pressing them can relieve depression with accompanying headache and memory lapses.
Begin with the middle point, GV 20. Place your left thumb on the top of your left ear and your right thumb on the top of your right ear. Move your fingertips toward the top of your head and feel for a hollow near the top center of your head.
GV 19, also situated in a hollow, lies approximately one inch behind GV 20.
GV 21 lies one inch in front of GV 20.
As you apply steady, firm pressure to these points, relax your body and let your tension and depression slip away.
GB 20: Wind Pond
These two points are found in the hollows between the two large neck muscles, just below the base of the skull. Pressing them will help relieve depression, neck tension, headache, and irritability.
B10: Heavenly Pillar
Located about a half-inch from the base of the skull on the muscles bordering the spine, these points can relieve the fatigue and emotional distress of depression.
B 43: Vital Region
These two points are located between the shoulder blades and spine three inches from the spine at the level of the fourth thoracic vertebrae. They are effective in helping to soothe and balance your emotions. If you don't have someone to press these points for you, you can lie on your back, placing two tennis balls in the appropriate spots beneath your upper back between your shoulder blades. The pressure of lying on the balls will massage the points nicely. "
( I have to break in here and say that of course you cannot reach your own back points directly. Besides there a a few other ways to deal with anxiety and depression that are good to try at this point. If you have to treat your own back points I recommend that you use the Koryo Hand therapy paradigm.
Remember the Koryo Hand Therapy? Find the points on the back of your hand that reflexes to the acupoints on your back and treat it. You do not have to know the exact place the point is at. Just look at the map of the hand's relationship to the whole body and treat the general area. You will be happy because it will work most of the time.
Click the following links to go to other entries on this blog to find the Koryo Hand Therapy information
. http://riverschihouse.blogspot.com/2007/03/bad-hair-day-and-what-do-do-about-it.html
You will find on these three links a number of other good ways to treat physical/mental/emotional/spiritual problems using the Koryo hand therapy paradigm.
It is appropriate here to also refer you to the following link on this blog for other ways to help mental/emotional/spiritual problems. Jin Shin Jyutsu is very effective for quick relief of anxiety, fear and depression.
http://riverschihouse.blogspot.com/2007/04/blog-post.html )
"The Tird Eye Point-Yinang
This point is located between the eyebrows in the groove where the bridge of your nose meets your forehead. Pressing this point soothes your emotions and relieves depression.
K 27: Elegant Mansion
Located in the groove between the bottom of your collarbone and your first rib where they meet your breast- bone, these points relieve depression, anxiety, and breathing difficulty.
Lu 1: Central Treasury
These points are located on the outside of your upper chest, at the level of the first intercostal space (that is, below the first rib) six inches from the midline of the body. Pressing these will relieve depression, blocked emotions, breathing difficulty, and grief.
CV 17: Chest Center
This point is found in the middle of your breastbone, at the level of the fourth intercostal space ( that is, below the fourth rib). It helps relieve grief, depression, anxiety, and general emotional instability.
ST 36 Three Mile Point
These points are located four finger-widths below your kneecap and one inch outside of your shinbone. They are helpful for overall muscle tone and emotional balance, as well as relieving fatigue and depression.
The following exercise is very effective in managing your depression:
Letting Go of Depression with acupressure and Deep Breathing
Lie down on your back or sit comfortably, with your spine straight, and feet flat on the floor.
Reach up toward the sky with both hands; take a deep breath, and as you hold your breath, make tight fists and squeeze, tightening all the muscles in your arms.
Slowly exhale, tensing your arms, bringing your fists down, to your chest
Repeat steps 2 and 3 several times.
Now cross your arms in front of your chest, with your fingers touching the upper outside area of the chest, (acupressure point Lu 1 also known as Letting Go); your wrists cross at the center of your upper chest.
Lower your chin toward your chest.
Inhale four short breaths in a row (without exhaling) through your nose, filling your lungs completely on the fourth breath. Hold the breath for a few seconds with the chest full and expanded.
Exhale slowly through your mouth.
Repeat this exercise for two or three minutes, concentrating on the depth and rhythm of the breath. "
Source: Michael Reed Gach: Acupressure's Potent Points