
It is essential for all of us to share all kinds of important information between us. The better we can do that the better our lives become. That is a shared experiential reality.
The problem is that we do not know how to translate our experiences or the other person's through our languages very well. We need to take the time to understand as completely as possible what the other person is trying to communicate. Our future actions are determined by our translation of what they are trying so hard to tell us. The more we understand the better and more beautiful will be our responses.
Non-physical forms of communication are mostly song and dance. They are not a fact or facts. Communication is mostly song and opera and stage. It is all the human forms of art. At the beginning and end of the day, non-physical communication can never be about literal truth very often or very long. It is mostly art. Science has such a small place in the art world. It is vital but only to a small important degree.
But what is art? Art in the way I am using it is a beautiful multi dimensional interactive relationship between the arts and others over a long period of time. Art invites us back for many return visits and each visit is different and potentially richer in appreciation and love. Each visit changes us above and below our conscious awareness. Art invites creative exploration. It can seem sometimes likes a good bout of rough sex.
I chose poetry and art to be the messages I send to you and everyone else I am with in a good way. The truth invites you to fence off all kinds of other understandings and focus only on it's small, often misleading domain.
Poetry is an invitation to an adventure. It invites you in to your own soul and out to new worlds at the same time. There is never safety on knowing completely or for sure. There is only deep pleasure and appreciation as a journey concludes or pauses.
So when you read or hear me understand that poetry and art are how I communicate. If you try, and you will, to translate me into another language, you lose me. What you have is something you created and it is you and me no longer.
What language do you use? What songs do you sing and how do you sing them?
Religion can say here is the truth and from that truth flows all social reality if it is to be of the highest order.
Art says, " I am a beautiful seductive woman or a rugged and handsome man. I want you even before you knew I wanted you. You want me as well. So come to bed like a good little boy or girl or like a hot hungry woman or man. You chose. And I shall teach you how to dance and sing and make love. I will help you be beautiful." That is what art says.
I say truth is a poor lover and an indecent cook and her wine lacks depth. I say follow the Harlot. Kneel down and kiss Her foot and then Her nipple's and pledge your troth. I say let the women do with Him as they will. In fact art says, " there is only art that can touch our souls. " Of course that is only true until you know how it is not. Past this place it cannot be written about at all.
We human beings have crated a complicated mythological fortress and cocoon around ourselves as a species and as individuals. We need to understand the matrix's that surround us and it's limitations. We need to know how to get important messages back and forth between us. We are not all that good at it now, are we? Look at that reality for as long and often you can. Is it true? If it is true what can we do? Is it worth the effort to spend a long time and effort developing artistic communication skills?
It takes a long time and a lot of effort but it is worth the work.
How can you benefit?
OK, take love as an example. If you have anyone you love or hope to love and you want to make them happy listen to me.
I urge you to be a poet and an artist in your communication with them.
I urge you to follow the highest ideals of Romantic Love. The results will speak for themselves eventually.
You will have to be a dedicated explorer and student. It will not be easy. And believe me I know you will be tested and you will fail a lot. But eventually you will be a half way decent singer and dancer. When your lover looks at you, and you can see the pleasure your efforts give her, you will know. It was and is worth it.
A good student on any path often uses "Choice-less Awareness" with intent as a very good way for exploring in depth without making premature conclusions.
The languages we use to communicate does have so many limits and pitfalls and that is just the way it is. Yet as well, they have so many different and colorful possibilities that it is worth spending a long time to master them.
This thing called civilization or culture is what grounds us in social reality. Verbal communication is one of the most important ways we touch each others minds and hearts. The sad reality for most people is that we do not know how to touch each other very well without the use of communication skills. Yet few have those skills or spend much time trying to develop them. But that is no different from all the other important things in life. Few of us have any good desire or ability to handle complicates relationships very well, or very long. And I am not very good at most relationships either. I have to laugh at myself a lot. Fortunately I am not alienated from my own laughter at me.
So the intent of the days blog is as follows.
I have no faith in truth or logic as anything other than poor deluded well meaning fellows. They have their use. But they will never sit close to my heart.
My inner heart is the love chamber for me. The Mother of all creation resides there. She is my Mistress and I listen to Her with eager heart and mind. I thank Her for each adventure, And I hope to win Her handkerchief now and again through the journey of my life, inshAllah. Even a Rat can look at a queen if She likes what She sees. The art for the rat is to have many ways to please and excite her. Love will do the rest, inshAllah. (smile)
We tell other people stores hinting at what we have experienced and how it effects us.But the more complicated and personal our communication the more difficult it is to deliver a pure message. We get very confused when we speak of important and complicated matters. People normally get confused and anxious when hearing complicated personal stores from other people. I see art as one of many better way of sharing our deeper experiences then I see logic or so called truth.
Bringing a song or a dance or a poem to the people can often be more productive than "just the facts."
" The truth and noting but the truth." How can that show you how to experience what you need to know about something very important. It is like having cloths that do not fit but trying to wear them anyway. Why bother wearing such things when you have lose beautiful cloths in your wardrobe and you look good naked as well?
So back to my intent for this section of my blog. The intent is to say, read this blog like an artist not like a scientist or a lawyer or a religious police person. (smile)
I urge everyone to walk the artist path now and again and then walk where and how you chose. Walk the artist path and use the poetry language that the Goddess showed Her children when they were alone with Her. It is the tong and ear of all the Lovers and their Beloved since the dawn of time. What better way to communicate with each other?