I would like to introduce you to a very important self-healing technique developed by Dr Roger Callahan. It is often called the"The Tapping Cure." It is also referred to as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and is part of a school of energy medicine called Thought Field Therapy (TFT). You can also find it under a way of healing called Energy Psychology. Goggle search all of these names and you will find many healing treasures.
Dr Callahan is a psychotherapist who uses the Chinese meridians and points to literally tap away many psychological and physical problems. It is used for quick relief from anxiety, phobia post-traumatic stress and much more.
The Tapping Cure is so simple and fast and easy to use I urge you to spend time learning and using it on yourself and your friends and loved ones. Learn it, use it, and pass it on to others.
All you do is tap gently on the areas located on the illustrations above for anywhere from 10 to 15 seconds or to a 30 seconds to a minute. Tap gently. No need to pound. Rather then me going into a whole explanation I have placed a series of links on this page that will show you what you need to know. I have also placed and an exert from one of the links explaining how to tap. There are many video presentations on the links that are worth watching. You can get free downloads of charts and information on how to treat yourself and others. This blog is about you taking responsibility for your health so take it and follow the links.
You will never know if tapping or any other healing technique found on my blog works if you do not try to make it work. Your intent and effort is always the key to your success or failure.
You can get a free download manual from the following link that shows in more detail how to understand and use the Tapping Cure. I have it and I think you should have it as well. It sould be in your medicine bag.

The above illustration can be found at the following link. http://healinginyou.com/
Below is an exert from the website explaining how to do the tapping.
EFT in a Nutshell
"1) Identify and tune in to the problematic issue or pain you wish to address. Note your starting intensity (0-10),
2) The Set-Up. While tapping on the Karate Chop Point, repeat the following three times out loud, stating your physical or emotional pain as specifically as possible:
Even though I feel this (insert your issue here), I deeply and completely accept myself.
3) The Sequence: First, tap about 7 times on each of the accupoints in the graphic at the right, while stating your pain (the "reminder phrase"): This (your issue here).
4) Take a deep breath from your stomach to the top of your head! Hold for 7 seconds. Exhale.
5) Note your ending intensity (0-10): If above a 2, repeat the steps above, adding your choice with a positive affirmation as an antidote.
Even though I still have some of this (your issue here), I deeply and completely accept myself and I choose to (your positive feeling or affirmation) instead.
6) Perform a third round of EFT alternating the negative issue and the positive choice as you tap again the 7 accupoints.
7) Repeat until your intensity level is 0.
The above photo comes from the following link. Do go there for more information.
More links to explore below.
http://eft-miracles.blogspot.com/ A good blog with lots of links on tapping
1 comment:
hi, good site very much appreciatted
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