I had the pleasure of meeting Yulan Fucius also known as Lady Fxi, many years ago while living in Toronto Canada. She is an incredibly gracious and talented chi kung teacher. We became good friends and I was able to learn a great deal as a result. Lady Fxi is currently living and teaching in Beijing China. My prayers and love are always with her. Lady Fxi introduced me to a student of a chi kung master named Dr Zia Gang Sha. He taught me one of the most powerful chi kung healing techniques I have ever experienced. It is called One Hand Near One hand Far. You can find information on the technique at the following site. http://www.drsha.com/powerhealing/techniques.html I have used this technique for many years and have gotten consistently good results. It is very easy to learn and will produce very good results for all kinds of problems. You can use it on yourself and you can use it to help others. I urge you to take the time to master One Hand Near One hand Far. Let me know of your experiences.
Before I explain One Hand Near One Hand Far in my own words I have to speak briefly about a place on the Pericardium Meridian referred to as P 8. It is also called Laboring Palace or Palace of Toil. The Chinese name is Lao Gong. This acupoint is located at the most powerful place in the body for projecting or sending chi to another person for healing. I will refer to it as laboring palace. You can find a map and explanations about Laboring Palace or P9 at the following link.
Laboring Palaces are dynamic areas in the hands that are almost like little dan tiens. Whatever you pay attention to grows stronger. So just as you pay lots of attention to your dan tiens so too pay lots of attention to your Laboring Palaces. There are many techniques you can find and learn to develop very powerful Laboring Palaces. I will write about those as time goes by. Until then I recommend the following exercise.
Place your hands in a relaxed position. You can extend your arms out from your body or relax your palms side up on your upper thighs . In fact you can put your arms and palms in almost any comfortable position . Just make sure your laboring palaces are not pressed against your body. They must be able to absorb external chi.
Can you imagine that the your two Laboring Palaces are your nostrils. Imagine that the chi is air and your lungs are in your lower abdomen below your bellybutton. Imagine and feel that as you are inhaling you are doing it through your Laboring Palaces. Can you imagine that as you inhale you are inhaling the combined loving chi of the Heaven and Earth. Now,inhale and let the chi, feeling like air flowing up your nose, flows up through your Laboring Palaces. Let the air (the chi) move up your arms and down through your chest to your lower belly also called the lower dan tiens. As you exhale let the chi spread through your whole body as well as back to laboring Palaces. Imagine the Laboring palace's growing stronger and stronger with each inhale and exhale.
Before you send chi to another person or animal, it is very important that you prepare yourself. I recommend first centering yourself between Heaven and Earth. Open up bai hui. Let chi from Heaven flow into you. (g.v. 20)http://www.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/governingvessel_meridian_graphic Open up your gushing springs K 1 and let Earth chi flow into to you. http://www.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/kidney_meridian_graphic You do that by paying attention to them and intending them to absorb Heaven and Earth chi and love. You might want to do some Sky Nourishes Earth or Whole Body Breathing or Micro-Orbit. Those exercises can be found in the Swimming in the Ocean of Chi blog entry. It does not matter which exercise you do. Or you might just intend to be centered and do it your own way. Then focus on your lower dan tien. Remember that the lower dan tien is where you store excess chi to be used by your energy/material/ body as needed. When you do chi kung healing you will project most often from your lower dan tien.
Now for One Hand Near One Hand Far. Start by being aware of the lower dan tien. Move your awareness from lower dan tien to the laboring Palaces. If you have a place in your body that hurts or needs help place one of your hands, we will call this hand the near hand, about 4 to 7 inches away from the painful area. Point your first two fingers of that hand at the painful area. Imagine that energy is flowing from your lower dan tien to the Laboring Palace of the near hand. Then guide the chi from laboring palace out through the two pointing fingers into the area in your body being treated. This is One hand Near. Now take the other hand which we will call the far hand, and place it about 12 to 20 inches from your lower dan tien. Aim your palm or Laboring Palace of the far hand at the lower dan tien. You can aim the far hand at any part of the body and get good results. The lower dan tien is however, one of the best places. Notice what happens. Sooner or later, usually within a few minutes, you will notice a reduction or elimination of pain or discomfort.
To treat other people just aim your near hand's fingers at the area that hurts and aim your far hand's palm or Laboring Palace at another area of their body that does not hurt but could use some strength. Remember the near hand should be about 4 to 7 inches away from the person's pain and the far hand should be about 12 to 20 inches away from another part of their body that is not in pain.It could take a few minutes so be patient. Sometimes it is very quick other times it is slower but it usually will produce results.
If you treat another person ask them to let you know what they are experiencing as you do the treatment. I tell people I treat, that we are a team and to keep me informed as to what they are experiencing so I can adjust the treatment. It is not uncommon for pain to disappear in one place and appear in another. If this happens just adjust the near hand accordingly.
I recommend Dr Sha's web page as a good source of information about One Hand Near and One Hand Far and other treasures he teaches and practices. There will be many other techniques and links in the near future. Go now and play with One Hand Near and One Hand Far. Please share your experiences with us on this blog.
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