One Hand Near One Hand Far is a very powerful healing technique developed by a chi kung master named Dr Zia Gang Sha. You can find more about him by clicking the tiltle of this entry and it will take you there. I posted this information a couple of years ago but I think it is time to do it again.
Start by being aware of the lower dan tien. Move your awareness from lower dan tien to the laboring Palaces. If you have a place in your body that hurts or needs help place one of your hands, we will call this hand the near hand, about 4 to 7 inches away from the painful area. Point your first two fingers of that hand at the painful area. Imagine that energy is flowing from your lower dan tien to the Laboring Palace of the near hand. Then guide the chi from laboring palace out through the two pointing fingers into the area in your body being treated. This is One hand Near. Now take the other hand which we will call the far hand, and place it about 12 to 20 inches from your lower dan tien. Aim your palm or Laboring Palace of the far hand at the lower dan tien. You can aim the far hand at any part of the body and get good results. The lower dan tien is however, one of the best places. Notice what happens. Sooner or later, usually within a few minutes, you will notice a reduction or elimination of pain or discomfort.
To treat other people just aim your near hand's fingers at the area that hurts and aim your far hand's palm or Laboring Palace at another area of their body that does not hurt but could use some strength. Remember the near hand should be about 4 to 7 inches away from the person's pain and the far hand should be about 12 to 20 inches away from another part of their body that is not in pain.It could take a few minutes so be patient. Sometimes it is very quick other times it is slower but it usually will produce results.
If you treat another person ask them to let you know what they are experiencing as you do the treatment. I tell people I treat, that we are a team and to keep me informed as to what they are experiencing so I can adjust the treatment. It is not uncommon for pain to disappear in one place and appear in another. If this happens just adjust the near hand accordingly.
I have created this free site to provide information that might prove to be helpful to you or your family or friends or even to a stranger or two that might be in need of some help. The second link in the Link section will take you to the introduction to my bog. Links found near the top are the most useful for understanding chi and healing. There are some real treasures here if you but take the time to find them, inshAllah.
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One Hand Near One Hand Far is a very powerful healing technique developed by a chi kung master named Dr Zia Gang Sha. You can find more abou...
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Thank you for sharing this, River. I'm a student and teacher of Dr. Sha and I continue to be in awe of the simplicity and effectiveness of one hand near, one hand far. I would also like to share that when one is transferring energy/light from an area of too much energy indicated by pain, inflammation, tumor, cysts - that they use the near had at the area of excess energy and the far hand be at the level of the lower dan tian (about 1.5 cun below the navel, 2.5 cun inside the body). This is an area that can always use more energy, and by building it we boost our energy, vitality, stamina and immunity. For those who are interested in learning more about this technique, I recommend Dr. Sha's book 'Soul Mind Body Medicine', there is an entire section devoted to specific conditions and how they are addressed with one hand near, one hand far. The book also has an abundance of very powerful wisdom, knowledge and practices that can assist one with their healing, prevention and transformation process. Thank you, Patty Baker
Thank you, River, for reposting this simple, yet profound technique. It is such a powerful one, yet so easy for anyone to do. For more information, check out and learn how to obtain your own copy of Soul Mind Body Medicine. I am also a student of Master Sha and have found the one-hand near one-hand far technique very useful for cancer patients while working at a local hospital cancer clinic. Many cancer patients are suffering and in pain and this is a very empowering technique for them to use at home while they are recuperating and rejuvenating.
Being a medical doctor specializing in Family Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, bridging the best of west and east medicine, I truly appreciate all of the teachings written in Soul Mind Body Medicine book. I teach these self-healing techniques to my patients, medical students and public workshops. It is easy to learn by following the pictures and clear explanation of four power techniques including, Soul power, Mind power, Body power and Sound power to heal each disease described in the book. Use these techniques as daily Soul-Mind-Body workout can help you reduce stress, unblock obstruction, release negative energy, improve wellbeing and maintain health.
Use these healing techniques as your own health maintenance program, like other wellness program, this should not replace medical check-ups if you continue to feel ill.
Word of caution: For those who are taking medications: you should ask your doctor to help you reduce the dose if you are feeling better. Some medications can cause withdraw symptoms if not done properly.
River,thank you for sharing. I love the healing practices of Master Sha. I love one hand near and one hand far. I find this healing practice and and all of Master Sha's healing practices easy to do. Master Sha's healing practices are simple yet so powerful. My life has and continues to be transformed my Master Sha's teachings. Thank you.
I just found your site and look forward to investigating further. The first book I found by Dr. Sha was " Power Healing" in 2002. I learned One Hand Near, One Hand Far and began to use it. I had been overcome by epoxy fumes in a basement on a summer job after my first year of college. My liver had never recovered. I would wake up frequently at 2-3 am with an aching liver. Doing this seemingly simple technique would drain the excess energy from my liver and I could fall back to sleep in a relatively short time. I was [and still am] amazed at how effective it was. I continue to be amazed at the simplicity and power of the teachings of Dr. Sha.
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