River's Chi House

I have created this free site to provide information that might prove to be helpful to you or your family or friends or even to a stranger or two that might be in need of some help. The second link in the Link section will take you to the introduction to my bog. Links found near the top are the most useful for understanding chi and healing. There are some real treasures here if you but take the time to find them, inshAllah.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Bad Hair Day And What Do Do About It

The above photo illustrates ways to touch BL-42 and BL-13. Click the photo to get a better view. The good thing is that this treatment not only calms the mind it also treats pain and discomfort in the scapula area of the upper back.

The above photo illustrates how to touch BL-47 and BL-18. The points are so close here that while touching BL-47 and BL-18 with the top fingers the middle finger is touching BL-49 and BL-20. The bottom finger is touching BL-52 and BL-23. The space between the Bladder Meridian points on the hand are so small compared to the Bladder meridian points on the back of the body. That is why I recommend using the hand meridian points instead of the body meridian for most treatments. I usually touch these points for five to ten minutes. Click the photo to get a better view. This area also treats pain and discomfort in the middle area of the back.
The above photo can be found at the following link;

The above picture can be found at the following link;

This picture can be found at the following link;

So what do you do when you or somebody you know are having a bad hair day or you are freaked out? There are some things you can do thank God. There are many points along the meridians that can help for a number of mental, emotional and spiritual difficulties. All these points can also be found on the hands using the Koryo hand therapy paradigm.

The best information I have found about how to treat for emotional, mental and spiritual problems comes from "The Practice Of Chinese Medicine" by Giovanni Maciocia. His books can be found at the following link. http://findbookprices.com/search/?src=333&isbn=Giovanni+MacIocia
Take a look at Chapter Nine, Mental And Emotional Problems. This book is wonderful for understanding and treating a host of problems. Just use touch or magnets or inducing chi instead of needles. It is another must have book for the medicine box for those who really want to be advanced healers.
First let us look at the Urinary Bladder Meridian . Take a look at the meridian by clicking the following link. http://www.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/bladder_meridian_graphic
Now for those really clever students find the place on the back of the hand that corresponds to the bladder meridian on the Koryo hand therapy model. You can do it. Just take your time. It will be much easier to treat yourself if you can do it on the back of one of your hands. If you are very limber you might be able to treat your own back but I doubt it. (smile) I will post photos of the hand points for this section later. So if you cannot figure out were they are now, relax and be patient the bus is coming.

Take a look at Bladder-42 it is referred to as the "Window of the Corporeal Soul" check it out on the yin/yang site above. If you look at the yin/yang map you will see it is opposite BL-13 which is a powerful point for treating all lung complaints as well as emotional problems especially grief and sadness. On the hand the points are so close together that to treat one is to treat both unless your fingers are very, very small. The Bl-42 and BL13 points calms the mind and helps you or your friend to " turn inward and be comfortable with oneself." (all further quotes from this blog section will be from Maciocia' book.)" From a physical point of view, it nourishes Lung-yin in chronic diseases." I recommend touching or treating the points mentioned here for about ten minutes for most people most times.

Bladder-44 named the "Hall of the Mind and BL15 "..strengthens the Mind's clarity and intelligence."

Now let us move to Bladder-47 is called the "Door of the Etheral Soul." and BL-18 which are parallel with each other on the back and the back of the hand. Check them out on the yin/yang site. Click the points to get an explanation of the points. This point can, when treated, increase " ..capacity of planning, sense of aim in life , life-dreams." Bladder 18 is a good point to treat liver problems. Remember the liver meridian effects anger and creativity. Treating these points together strengthens the ...capacity of planning, sense of aim in life, life dreams and projects."

Bladder49 is named "Hut of Intelligence" and BL20. check them out on the yin /yang link. They can help treat spleen problems and " ... strengthens the Intellect, clears the Mind and stimulates memory and concentration. It also relieves ......obsessive thoughts, brooding, mentally going around and around in circles. " It also helps problems of the lungs and spleen meridians.

It is important to remember that when words like lung and spleen are used they are not necessarily referring to a western organ but a line of energy flow through the body. It effects the organs named but is more than the organ in the western sense of the word. Do not try to mix apples and oranges.

Look what is up ahead our tour of the Bladder Meridian. It is the home of Bladder-52 called "Room of Will" and it's good friend and neighbor BL-23. For more details go to yin/yang link. The two points together "...strengthen will-power, drive and determination, the capacity of pursuing one's goals with single-mindedness, spirit of initiative and stead-fastness."

Well that is enough for now. In a future blog I will give more points and their uses for mental, emotional, and spiritual problems. And the photos of the hand points will be on here later., probably tonight, inshAllah.


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