My friend and brother Ian Lazarus sent this to me and I am passing on the information to you. I signed the petition.
From: Paul Dutton [mailto:pd@musicworks.ca] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 5:27 PMTo: ME (Ian) before he sent it to me (River)Subject: Petition for action on climate change
This week, the environment ministers from the G8, the world's biggest contributors to climate change will be meeting in Germany. The outcome of this meeting will play a critical role in determining the world's response to global warming. AVAAZ (the name means "Voice" or "Song" in several languages including Hindi, Urdu, Farsi, Nepalese, Dari, Turkish, and Bosnian) has been invited to attend this meeting to present their climate change petition to the chair of this meeting, German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel at 4pm on Thursday 15 March in Potsdam. To have maximum impact they need to get as many signatures as possible before then. Please add your voice now, by signing on, as I have, at http://www.avaaz.org/en/climate_action_germany/
From: Paul Dutton [mailto:pd@musicworks.ca] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 5:27 PMTo: ME (Ian) before he sent it to me (River)Subject: Petition for action on climate change
This week, the environment ministers from the G8, the world's biggest contributors to climate change will be meeting in Germany. The outcome of this meeting will play a critical role in determining the world's response to global warming. AVAAZ (the name means "Voice" or "Song" in several languages including Hindi, Urdu, Farsi, Nepalese, Dari, Turkish, and Bosnian) has been invited to attend this meeting to present their climate change petition to the chair of this meeting, German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel at 4pm on Thursday 15 March in Potsdam. To have maximum impact they need to get as many signatures as possible before then. Please add your voice now, by signing on, as I have, at http://www.avaaz.org/en/climate_action_germany/
With a significant global petition, AVAAZ can make the case that the world is ready for aggressive leadership on climate change--and pave the way for truly historic commitments at the G8 summit this June.All the best,Paul__________Paul Dutton343 Westmoreland Avenue N. / Toronto, Ontario / Canada M6H 3A6Phone / Fax: 416 588 8764
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