I am currently working with a fourteen year old young man in Pittsburgh PA who cannot keep food down. I am running chi for him using Master Points Spleen-4 and Pericardium-6. I am also treating the Bladder points I mentioned in the Bad Hair section of this blog. I am treating other points as well but I will not go into that here.
He is a very brave and determined young warrior. He is also a good and committed student and is learning and practicing internal chi kung. That includes Sky Nourishes Earth and particularly the inner organ smiles, whole body breathing and inhaling through bai hui (see Swimming In The Ocean Of Chi section of this blog) down the center channel to dan tien and exhale from dan tien sending healing chi through his whole body.
The young man was in pain the first time I came to him in Children's Hospital. The first thing I did was ask him where and how he hurt. Than I used One Hand Near One Hand Far to reduce and eliminate the pain. I do that a lot when I first meet a new person I am about to work with. The reason first, is because they are in pain and I want to help them feel better. Another reason is that if I can reduce or eliminate their pain I have more credibility with them to take the next step.
I told the young man that the pain would come back because pain is a fact of human life and will always come again in some form some time. The key is to learn how to deal with it himself as much as possible. Sure enough the pain came back later but not in the same place.
When he told me he was hurting I told him to use One Hand Near One Hand Far on himself. He did and soon the pain was gone. I have not treated him for pain directly sense that first day. I insist that he treat himself and he does. It takes time for a person of any age to have the confidence and determination to learn things on this site like One Hand Near One Hand Far and to use them consistently enough to master them.
The young warrior still can not keep food down but he is looking better and in less pain for less time. The doctors have no idea what is wrong with him. Neither do I. I do know he trusts me, and his doctor and parents agrees that working with me is good for him at this point. I am honored and humbled to work with him. I hope that by helping him strengthen his energy body and engaging him in his own healing and teaching him healing chi kung that he will soon be able to eat, inshAllah.
The main reason I am writing this section of the blog is to encourage YOU to learn and use One Hand Near One Hand Far. Nothing works for everyone all the time. But this technique works for most people most of the time. Please learn it and use it on yourself and others. One Hand Near One Hand Far is found under that name on this blog. This technique was developed by Dr Sha and You can go to his website by clicking the following link;
You can order his book on how to use this method for a host of problems at the following link:
I am not endorsing everything Dr Sha says or does, I am just saying this technique works and is worth learning and practicing.
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