The site linked below is also helpful;
The drawing links to a good website for breathing exercise: http://www.indoindians.com/health/breathing.htm
Before we can go on I have to write this.
Sky Nourishes Earth is the key to so much healing I feel compelled to write about it once more. Let us strip it down to it's simplest form. You can divide Sky Nourishes Earth into three parts. First, it is a way of checking to see, feel, and experience if you are breathing in a healthy or unhealthy way. If your diaphragm goes down and your belly goes out on the inhale and your diaphragm goes up and your belly goes in on the exhale you are breathing in a good and healthy way. Continue to do so all through the day and night and especially when you are stressed out or in pain. If your diaphragm does not go down and your belly does not go out on the inhale and your diaphragm does not go up and your belly does not go in on the exhale you MUST change the way you breath period! Do not bother reading or doing anything else on this blog until you master your breathing.
Part two of Sky Nourishes Earth is a way of noticing and releasing any unnecessary muscle tension in the body. Starting at the top of the head notice if your temples and forehead are tense. If you find any muscle tension in this area, relax and release it. Move down through your head and notice if your teeth are touching and if your jaws are tight or tensed. If your mouth is closed open it slightly and release any muscle tension in your jaws.
Move down to your neck and shoulders. Notice if your shoulders rise up as you inhale. If they do check your breathing. Notice and release any muscle tension in your neck and shoulders. Make sure there is only minimum rising of the shoulders during inhaling.
Move through your arms and hands and notice and release any unnecessary muscle tension.
Move through the trunk of your body, front back and sides. Notice and release any unnecessary muscle tension. Adjust your posture as needed to be in the most relaxed position possible. Notice your diaphragm and belly. Is your breathing good? If not, change it.
Move through your legs and feet and notice and release any unnecessary muscle tension.
Part Three of Sky Nourishes Earth. As you move through your body become aware of the locations of the three dan tiens within your body. Upper dan tien in the center of the head. Middle dan tien in the middle of your chest near the heart and lower dan tien just below the navel in the center of the body.
There is a part four of Sky Nourishes Earth for more advanced students. Place smiles in all three dan tiens and place a smile anywhere you feel pain. As you move through your body notice and smile at every smile you meet. You can also imagine that the Sky is flowing through the top of your head and moving through your entire body like a warm healing flow of energy water, relaxing, cleaning and healing you as you do the exercise. The warm, healing, strengthening Sky chi water flows through your body and out into the Earth taking your pain and discomfort into the Earth where it is transformed into good energy to Nourish the Earth and all our sister and brother creatures great and small. This is Sky Nourishing Earth.
Repeat sky Nourishes Earth for as many times as you can. I do it for about five minutes at a time. I urge you do Sky Nourishes Earth about three times any time after you work on anyone. This will clean your energy field. You will need to clean your field after working on anyone for any length of time. If you have your own way of clearing you can use that instead. It does not matter how you clear as long as you do it.
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