Chi kung healing for the knee and elbow.
If your knee or elbow hurts or you want to help someone who's knee or elbow hurts try this. Look at the picture above and do what it shows. Place your finger on the middle knuckle of the little finger for knees or on the second fingers middle joint for elbow problems on the side of the body that has the knee pain or problem. You can just gently keep your fingers there for as long as needed. Or you can press and release press and release. This pressing and releasing is called pulsing. You can also just place your fingers above the knuckle and let your chi flow into them that way. Do not be surprised when people say they can feel the energy in other parts of their body. Remember the chi will flow to where their body needs it. The longer the contact the more the chi will spread and help the body heal it's self. Ask the person who is being treated to let you know what they are experiencing as the treatment progresses. The key is to do it long enough and often enough to get the pain free results you want. Most people like the direct physical contact. Do what makes you and or them feel the most comfortable. Later try another way. Always try something new after doing what is the most comfortable at first.
Healing takes time. It is rarely completed in one treatment. You can ease the pain but that is only the first step. The next step depends on the nature of the problem and the determination of the patient and healer. There are no magic bullets or philosophers stones for most people most of the time. Our society does not encourage real healing. It wants quick solutions .
The reality is that if you have a sprain or a muscle tear of arthritis or migraines or chronic fatigue repeated treatments will be necessary. You will have to have the determination and will power to study the nature of the problem and treat yourself over and over until the healing process produces long term results. That is something very few people have the desire, will, or time or money to do for themselves or others. That said what are we to do? I say it goes back to changing our society's mindset about healing and first to change our own
Healing takes time. It is rarely completed in one treatment. You can ease the pain but that is only the first step. The next step depends on the nature of the problem and the determination of the patient and healer. There are no magic bullets or philosophers stones for most people most of the time. Our society does not encourage real healing. It wants quick solutions .
The reality is that if you have a sprain or a muscle tear of arthritis or migraines or chronic fatigue repeated treatments will be necessary. You will have to have the determination and will power to study the nature of the problem and treat yourself over and over until the healing process produces long term results. That is something very few people have the desire, will, or time or money to do for themselves or others. That said what are we to do? I say it goes back to changing our society's mindset about healing and first to change our own
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