We were brought up in group ignorance and superstition and here say. We were educated and led and mostly misled from our first awareness. And we are only rarely aware for short periods of time of what a beautiful reality this mind/body/spirit experience can be. So how can we expect to be healthy or for others to be healthy? The only way we can do that is to close our eyes and go back to sleep. Live in the dream worlds where your own influence counts for nothing.
The ancient ones in Chinese medical history agreed you could not have a healthy individual in an unhealthy society. Unfortunately they soon learned another reality. If you wake people up in any organized society to what is happening around and within them, the results are usually costly. The people in charge of that group always get extremely reactive in not good ways. And you had better be very careful or you will be on to the next life very quickly. So the Chinese doctors who knew the truth about the intimate relationship between individual and collective health did not often dispense this aspect of their understanding. Because the Chinese did not encourage to much personal examination and action in the social world and the family, did not make it less needed then or now.
We have a better chance then ever before in our species journey to begin to change ourselves and our society with minimal violence to a point. Social constraints to pursuing knowledge are relatively limited in much of the world now. We are relatively free to explore vast worlds of knowledge in a multitude of forms. And we are free to communicate with each other while we explore We need to take advantage of this opening in a good way. In a beautiful and healing way. If you look deeply into our personal and social dynamics you will see reason and room to move and transform your self and us for the better.
First we change in basic ways like changing your breathing and developing muscle awareness and tension release techniques. Then we begin to have the possibility of transforming into more and more beautiful forms and adventures and situations inside and out side your self. That is just the way the paths work and flow. Many paths have their own flowing dynamics that can be so beautiful and awe inspiring if you have the discipline and desire to explore them.
The bottom line is that we have very little hope of real, on going multi-dimensional balance unless we engage our society and our own body/mind/spirit on an on going exploratory basis. This on going exploration of self and society and it's many inevitable struggles, is an integral part of the necessary medicine. No way to get around it. We got to go through it many many times.
Just a further thing to say. We are radiating energy beings and in constant relationship with all the field we exist and transform within. It is impossible to charge a person without changing the entire field. It is impossible to encounter anyone or anything with out changing it and being changed by it. The field is in constant flux and therefore we are in a state of constant flux. There are many implications that are worth exploring.
We are also pack animals and we will mostly be as those around us are being at the time. Why this is important to understand and factor in to our lives can be illustrated by looking at breathing.
Let us look at a person who comes to learn diaphragmatic breathing from a teacher. She learns and masters it. The she goes back to society and soon she in back to unhealthy breathing before she knows it consciously.
We follow each other all the time conscious but mostly unconsciously. So our breathing will assume the pattern of the group a person interacts with over a period of time. There are exceptions or so I have heard. But the principle says most will do it.
What is true of breathing is true of a whole host of social and psychological response we take in and make ours unconsciously. That is why you need to understand not only yourself but also you need to understand at least the basics of group dynamics and psychology.
If you know how to reads signs in your body/mind and in social situations you have a better chance of making a whole host of better decisions and having a much better life, inshAllah.
That is why I am saying this thing now. My intent is to urge you to learn how vitally important it is to study and understand the many aspects of all the relationship that are important to you. If you have to resolve something to achieve balance this is a good way to start to do it, inshAllah.
When trouble arises in any form we need to learn not only how to understand it, but how to affect it in a good way.
We must learn how to communicate more effectively in all our relationships internally and with others.This is much more difficult then learning most other healing techniques.
The vital need to understand and communicate is true of your relationship with your own body and with your own society and family. To be good at communication requires commitment, study and effort. But like all aspects of learning how to be a healer, it is worth the effort now and in the future. The reality is that there is no way to avoid it and continue on your way on the healing paths.
If you do continue on the healing paths with poor communication skills you will soon find yourself constantly trapped in tar pits.
So lets commit to waking up and trying to stay relatively aware more often and longer. And especially let us pay attention to what is happening within our bodies and on this planet now and in the past. That is needed for survival. Unless we look very deeply into our personal and social experiences we will be living as uneducated people live. We will be like people who grew up on the edge of the Ocean but never went into it, let alone learned how to fish or swim.
It is so important to try to understand a little more all the time what being human is and is not. It is as important to act in many new ways. New songs and dances are needed. New relationships and new love making ways. The people are tired, and stressed. We sing sad songs now. We sing of war and our people dying and other people dying. We sing of less money for to many of our people. We dance the hunger dance. We dance the dance that tells of the empty dance and no-song song.
True many are happy and life is good for them. I am not writing this for them. I sing this song because my heart says I must. I need no other reason. I see the suffering out there and in my family and friends and strangers and in other species.
These songs and dances are signs not realities. They hint at possibilities ahead or behind or now. They are not to be considered exact or definitive, ever. They are just signs left on a trail for those that use this trail. I find many invitation and warnings and surprises on the paths in signs. I appreciate and leave signs all the time. I study signs. I advise you do as well.
Someone on the path who is ignorant of the path looks at a sign and does not recognize what it is. He perhaps knows the most common meaning. And if he does that is good. A traveler who knows of the nature of paths looks at the signs in many ways and all at once. He sees it's contexts and its warning and invitation. The choices a healer traveler makes during his journey are arrived at very different then those of the average tourist.
I urge you to be a traveler. The Fool is the first card not the last
We need to hear the drums and new chants that summon us to action. Look within you. Look deeply at what is troubling you. Look at what you need to look at now. The take the ritual vow of commitment in what ever form touches your sincerity and heart. You have started now. My heart is with you. All the hearts who know and all the ones who do not know. We all beat as one. We sing with you. We dance with you.
The white people loves the Indian people because white people were as the old red people were a long time before our relations came here. White people and black people and yellow people and red people and all the people are the people.
Our blood personally and socially has lived as clan and tribe more that anything else in all but a small portion of our species time on the planet. It is this time now when we live alone in small animal clusters in a gigantic pack. This is a good time to live. But the walls around our lives are restricting us more and more as time passes. Better to start trying to understand at a deeper level now. Who knows what the winds bring with them.
We were clan and tribe. We lived as people of the Earth. Then the ones from the cities came and built walls around our people and within ourselves. We have lived as they have told us and forced us to live for all these years. Perhaps it is time to do something new.
We are born of strong radiating energy fields. We have manifested strong beautiful body/minds. We are here now on the mother earth and of the people. Let us remember all our relations and start to remember and relate to our selves and our people as Energy Beings . We are dancing and singing on this planet. Let us do so with strong intent and awareness. Let us dance in beauty and sing in beauty.
Now about the the travelers. We are many. We are as different or the same as we chose to be or not be. There is always room for one more. I follow any interesting trail I have time or desire to explore. I am bound to help if I can anyone on that path who comes in a good way and lives in a good way with me.
The trail I follow the most is my wife's trail. It is a beautiful path. Each step is virgin and goddess and very wild. I am honored to walk with her.
I have paths and no paths. Many times I just develop a relationship with the ground I meet as honestly and freshly as I am capable of being at that moment. Other times I coast or laze about for long periods. It's true. (sigh) (smile)
I like best the dog soldier paths and the Beloved/Lover paths.
I believe with my heart, that the people need the dog soldier medicine people right now. On this path our intent is to make our lives and the lives of the people better. We are dedicated to enjoying our lives and helping others do the same in a good way.
We are the people who chose to try to look deeply into ourselves and our families and societies not just with our eyes. We chose to try to understand and learn how to help those in need of help. It is that simple.
All of us are the children it took thousands of generations to deliver to the hear and now. I honor the generations. I bow to them with love. I look ahead and see the new children, our children a hundred generations from this now. I see them and bow with love.
I urge you to look back down the generations and up ahead. Honor the good ones of our people who helped create and sustain the most beautiful aspects and aspirations of humanity. I do.
Look at the people who have suffered in their billions. Look at the people who helped ease some of the peoples suffering. Those are the people I call you to join. Look ahead. If you want or can, go into a trance state and become as a young woman or man a hundred generations from now. Look back at the peoples blood and spirit trails. Look back to the beginning. Then find where we are now. What do you see? What will the children not yet born think or our songs and our dances. You know the nature of the songs and dance I sing of now. You do not have to be told more. What will they see and feel of your time and walk on this planet when they see your dance and hear your song or see that you had a no dance or song?
I say it is time to dance and sing your heart. If you can not sing or dance it is time to learn how
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