The above artist Mymoo can be found at the following link.

If you want to change the world or your family or any relationship, you have to be willing to show the way to change. You need to accept the responsibility for confronting yourself and your part in any problem or situation. Then you need to begin to change your responses inside and out to any difficult relationship or problem. When people see you change they will be more likely to follow your example and begin to change themselves.
Your commitment to change and healing must be real , deep, wide ranging and personal or it will not be effective or long lasting. We have very little time left to shift our social worlds away from their destructive courses. That is true no matter where we live or what cultures we exist within.
It is time to start helping yourself, your family and the people and plants and animals of our world. It has to be a multi-dimensional transformation. It starts with you and spreads out from there. You cannot demand that others do what you will not or do not. To help others you must lead by example. The way you live is more important than what you say.
As I have said many times, "You cannot heal yourself past a certain point if you live in an unhealthy society." That of course is from ancient Chinese healers who were healers. We live in those kinds of societies all over the world. Any honest evaluation of any society in most of this world would come out in a very sick diagnosis.
It is sad and tragic the way we live. How many have a good life on this planet? And I am not talking just about human beings.
Fazil Inyaht Khan once told me that, "We are an immature species becoming mature over millenniums."
We are maturing. We have a lot of work to do to get there. But it is incredible and very necessary work. The more we personally change for the better the more our social worlds will change for the better. The good news is that our transformations personally and within families and small groups all over the world is happening. We are not alone in this wonderful and necessary adventure. We never have been and we will never be alone in our on going metamorphosis.
The beauty and wonder of self and group transformation is happening all over creation all the time. And had we eyes that could see this massive transformation developing , we would soon be incredibly self-aware, happy, worthy and adventurous. This I believe, inshAllah.
Remember that it is just a song I sing. But it is a good song.
We will not see mass human maturity in our life time. The odds are very high we wont. But you never know. Do you? If we do our work in a good and consistent way it will happen sooner rather than later. This I also believe, inshAllah.
What do you believe. What songs and dances do you see and hear in you heart.
I feel now that there is enough healing information on this blog to give anyone who had the desire and commitment the ability to become a world class healer. This I believe and this I know. It is now up to whoever follows the trails I have laid out on this thing called a blog. The people who are reading this and understand the reality of what is here in one place are pleased. I know that because enough of them have confirmed it with me.
I will add more to this blog, inshAllah. But I have completed to my satisfaction the core of the blog. I feel satisfied that I have made a worthy gift in this blog for whoever finds it. I know it is being read all over the world by one or two people here and there. If it is good. they will tell others and it will spread. That is all inshAllah. What happens will happen. I did what I said I would do to my satisfaction. Who could ask for more. I have realized my intent and I am happy. Thank you Goddess. Now it is out of my hands and is all InshAllah from here. (smile)
I have more to say but now I go. We are going camping for a few days.
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