In the old times before so called civilization covered us up in it's protective and restrictive forts and cages this time of year in the Northern Hemispheres was a time to huddle together and try to survive the cold dark winter. In those days there were always a very few people among the many tribes and clans who used this time to reflect on their lives and the lives of their people. They were the wise people and the shamans and the leaders who used this cold dark time to learn lessons from their past and to seek understanding for their future and the future of their people.
I say this is still a good time of year to look at your life with fresh eyes. It is a good time to stand in front of a mirror both in real time and symbolically. Try letting go of your comfortable understanding of your self and your world. Dare to stand naked and fearless and alone with yourself. Look deeply, and for a long time, over many days, and see what you see and than look for what you do not want to see. And then look again and yet again. There are dangers and rewards to be found and dealt with when you do this. It is a good journey to take before, during, and after the winter solstice.
I try to do more than just write this stuff. I try to do as much of what I write as possible. Believe me, it is not easy. I find it more often than not, very uncomfortable to really face myself. I usually see and feel a whole lot of fear, laziness and hypocrisy. Than I find myself laughing and still laughing I take a fresh look. Try it for yourself.
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