I had the results of my last Petscan and there was no sign of cancer. My doctors say that it is not likely to return, Inshallah and the creek don't rise.
There will be many changes in this blog that I feel will make it much more accessible for people on many levels. My much loved and adored wife, "My" has a new digital Soney recorder and has given me a canon G10 digital camera for Christmas. I am buying, in the next few days, a Canon HG10 camcorder. So I will soon have most of the chi kung and healing techniques and information available on this blog and YouTube in different media formats.
It is always inshAllah and the creek don't rise, so who knows but Allah what will happen. That said and meant, my intent is to help you and yours when you want and need that help. The new cameras and digital recorder allows me to do many things I have wanted to do for a couple of years. For instance, if you would like to try an internal chi kung practice there will be audio files for all the internal practices available. That way all you have to do is sit or recline in a comfortable position and when you are relaxed and ready to begin your inner journey just turn on the recording and I will guide you verbally along the paths.
The video files will contain a wide variety of adventures and inshAllah surprise and delights. I hope we will have many wonderful and healing adventures during the year ahead. It will soon be 2009 and nine in the world of number magic and mysticism symbolizes the perfect or enlightened woman. I am a matriarchal Sufi so for me this next year has particularly beautiful implications. That is not to say it will be an easy year ahead because it will not be. I will say that the Chinese character for crises contains two symbols one for danger and another for opportunity. Let us dedicate ourselves to finding and developing the opportunities for positive transformation during the perilous times ahead of us during the upcoming year.
I believe that the shen and the chi of the universal Mother will be particularly responsive to us this next year. Many of us have a wonderful relationship with the Mother/Father and that relationship makes even the worst times more bearable. If you do not experience the love and comfort of Goddess/God this is a good time to reach out to Her. I urge you to call to Her from your heart's pain and She will sooner or later respond, inshAllah. The Mystery has many forms and names so call to Her the way your heart urges you to do. Do it over time and and with intent and experience the response in your life over time. The truth is that relationships develop over time relative to the efforts put into them. Our relationship with the Great Mystery or God/Goddess is the same. If you take the time and make the effort to develop a deeper relationship with Her/Him, the Mystery will do the same with you. The Sufi's say that She is like the loving mother who comes to answer the cries of her babies. So they say, cry out from your heart and She will come to your heart with comfort and love. I know She comes to me when my cry is truly from my heart. For that I am eternally grateful. Thank you Mother.
It will be a good year for the Mother energy and that is very good because I feel that this next year is going to very challenging for most of us because of the downturn in the world economy. The greed and selfish stupidity of players on and off the Wall Streets of the world have created a disaster that is causing major and unnecessary suffering around the planet. They have poisoned out planet and done major damage to our ability to support ourselves and our families. And, unfortunately, things are going to get worse before they get better. I feel very good about President Obama and his leadership. If we have to go through what we are going through he is the right man for the right time, inshAllah. But as he said, our future is more in our hands than his. He and our other leaders in and out of governments can do a lot to help or at least not hurt us as much as the Bush-Cheney bunch did over the last eight years. Still, at the end of the day it is we who have to take responsibility for ourselves and our families and more consciously and actively and consistently do what it takes to change our lives for the better. So let us reach out to each other and do what we can to make things a little better when and where we can. I hope you will find this blog useful this next year.
I would like to take this time to say how much I appreciate and felt and feel the love and support of so many of you who sent your prayers and chi during my time of sickness and recovery. I did not want to communicate during this last year because frankly I needed what little energy I had to heal. I went into my cave and did what I had to and could do which was very little. I was in the most powerful rip-tide of my life with the tonsil cancer and all I could manage to do for a long time was to just stay afloat. So I made a decision to walk away from my blogs and be with what I was going through with as few distractions as possible. I know it was the right choice for me. I was aware of and appreciated and appreciate your help. I want you to know that. Thank you from my heart to yours.
"Burnt Kabob"
Last year I admired wines. This,
I'm wandering inside the red world.
Last year I gazed at the fire.
This year I'm a burnt kabob.
Thirst drove me down to the water
where I drank the moon's reflection.
Now I am a lion staring up,
totally lost in love with the thing itself.
Don't ask questions about longing.
Look in my face.
Soul-drunk, body-ruined, these two
sit helpless in a wrecked wagon.
Neither knows how to fix it.
And my heart, I'd say it was more
like a donkey, sunk in a mudhole,
struggling and miring deeper.
But listen to me: For one moment
quit being sad. Hear blessings
dropping their blossoms around you.
-- Ghazal (Ode) 2738
Version by Coleman Barks
"The Essential Rumi"
HarperSanFrancisco, 1997
I have created this free site to provide information that might prove to be helpful to you or your family or friends or even to a stranger or two that might be in need of some help. The second link in the Link section will take you to the introduction to my bog. Links found near the top are the most useful for understanding chi and healing. There are some real treasures here if you but take the time to find them, inshAllah.
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Being able to use intentional imagination is one of the most important ingredients in chi kung and in self healing in general. This truth h...
The Koryo Hand Therapy book can be found at the following wesite: http://www.redwingbooks.com/products/books/KorHanAcu.cfm The two ...
One Hand Near One Hand Far is a very powerful healing technique developed by a chi kung master named Dr Zia Gang Sha. You can find more abou...
This drawing comes from Mantak Chia's webpage: http://www.healing-tao.co.uk/ht_microcosmic_orbit.htm This drawing links to the follo...
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