I very much liked Geshe Chongtu Rinpoche. I pasted some information and a link about him from his website can be found by clicking the title of this entry above.
Geshe Chongtul Rinpoche has been teaching Bön religion in North America over the last decade. Each year the number of students increases because of a growing interest in meditation and in Bön religion.
Rinpoche believes that the interest in Bön – particularly the Bön Dzogchen meditation system – reflects a growing desire for peace. The Bön ancient teachings offers a path to positive change in the life of an individual who is seeking peace, tranquility, and compassion in today’s world.
Many westerners may feel a natural connection with Tibetans, Tibetan culture, and the ancient practice of Bön meditation because it applies equally well to people who have been born in many various times and places.
Through the serious study and practice of this system, one can achieve peace within oneself which will naturally extend to ones’ relationship with other humans, as well as the animal and entire natural world.
Chongtul Rinpoche established Bön Shen Ling in 2006 to preserve and share ancient Tibetan teachings from an unbroken lineage of great teachers. Also known as Tog Den Won Po, Rinpoche believes that these unique teachings will have great relevance for everyone.
Geshe Chongtul Rinpoche, Spiritual Director
Jeffrey Granett, MD, FACC, President and Treasurer
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