Saturday, May 18, 2013


Our species long and complicated internal struggle to find ways to achieve a bit of balance and understanding in the face of the great mystery called consciousness and the insanity called society continues. This struggle has never been easy or quick and the results have often been erratic and inconsistent but the time and effort spent on the quest for self-knowledge is, in my opinion, definitely worth it.
I have had to face the uncomfortable reality that almost all my significant choices have been and are based much more on ignorance and a hopeful optimism than any real understanding of the situations that have confronted me.
There are two more or less dependable guides I have found for making very important decisions. One, what is the most beautiful and elegant choice or choices I can make in relation to the situation. Two, when I look back years from now how will I feel about myself and the choice of choices I make now?
The study and practice of various forms of meditation practiced all over the world is to me a prerequisite for beginning to understand the dynamics of our mental/emotional/physical natures. I have found that the study of Buddhist meditation and psychology has been particularly helpful to me in my quest for a little more clarity and ways to achieve and/or return to balance.

Following is a good guide to understand and practice meditation.

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