Buddha said that a big part of life was suffering. And the cure for suffering was knowledge and acting on that knowledge. The Christians say. " If you know these things, blessed are you, if you do them.
The great fourteenth century sufi mystic poet Hafiz Shiraz says it another way.
Whatever way you want to say it, learn chi kung healing and use it to help people is what I say. (laugh)
Just Looking For Trouble
I once had a student
Who would sit alone in his house at night
Shivering with worries
And fears.
And come morning,
He would often look as though
He had been raped
By a ghost.
Then one day my pity
Crafted for him a knife
From my own divine sword.
Since then,
I have become very proud
Of this student.
For now, come night,
Not only has he lost all his fears
Now he goes out
Just looking for trouble.
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