Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Little Bit Of Chi Goes A Long Way.

The painting is by one of my favorite artist and friends " Mr Bill" AKA Bill Davis. To see the painting better, just click on it.

Rumi, my favorite sufi poet, once said that he was writing his poetry for people not yet born. I am writing this blog for people whom I may never know but who will benefit from it, and that is good, inshAllah. That is my hope anyway. (smile) I would like to say a few more things about what I am doing in putting all this chi kung stuff out here. First, all the information on healing with chi is already out there. So no big dangerous secrets are being revealed. And people will stumble and fall down at times. Mistakes will be made and some pain will result but that happens now in all forms of healing under even the best teachers and in the best schools.
Most of the knowledge that people need to learn about chi kung healing is kept in professions or schools or in costly books or tapes. Lots of people do not have the money or the time or the qualifications to get to them. The qualifications are more useful for making money for the people who set them, than are based on what a person really needs to know before school can start. So I say if it is a choice between money or helping people in a real way to meet the needs of pain and suffering than the choice is easy enough. That is the reason we need to provide the information and the help when and where we can for free.
What you do with what you find here is up to you. I am not against people making money. Money is good.That said, I am for the people having free access to information that can help them and their families and friends when they need it the most. And that is when they are suffering. If the health care systems in this world were real and available to everyone it would not be as important.
When Mr Tam turned me on to chi kung healing almost 15 years ago it changed my life. I decided that if chi kung was going to be American than American people needed to make it our own. We need to study it's history and it's current realities in Asia and the rest of the world. But we must also free ourselves from to much dependency on their leadership. We need to free ourselves from to much dependency on any teacher or school. We need to see with fresh eyes and act with a clear mind and open intent for what happens next. Than we will have American chi kung. And in doing so, perhaps we can find things not yet imagined or dreamed. That is one of my hopes.
Mantak Chia and all the rest have put out so much that use to be kept secret. And I applaud them for doing it. They have received a lot of criticism from people for doing it. Well that is the way things go. There are lots of stones for people who want to throw them. But there are lots of people who have been helped because of the information now available about things like chi kung. I am glad this stuff is not just in the private domain of families and groups who kept it to themselves. Some of the reasons were valid and some of where not. Much of the reasons for secrecy related to greed and power trips. It was how they supported their families and kept a high social position. It's like that song" Oz never did give nothing to the tin man he didn't already have." Or something like that (smile) We are energy beings and it within ourselves that the new discoveries must be found and shared. A teacher and a book or tape can only take us to the door. We have to explore what is on the other side on our own.
A good student makes use of whatever is available. It is for them that I do what I do.
I believe that inducing chi into a persons for healing is safer than any other treatment protocol I have ever experienced. Because chi induction is life force transfusion in its purest sense the body uses it when and where and how it is needed. If you treat any place on the body the chi flows from there to everywhere the field is weak or imbalanced. Remember energy flows from a strong field to a weaker one. It literally ripples out through the body. Gradually over a series of treatments the body has a better chance of reaching equilibrium and real healing can occur on a deeper and superficial level. How long a treatment should last is debatable. You will find your own realities by doing it enough to get a feel for how long and how often. I usually do from a few minutes to twenty minutes on a point or area. Most of my treatments last about an hour more or less.
I think there should be chi classes and treatments in all homes, schools, prisons and hospitals and emergency wards. I think it should be part of our children's on going education in school and at home. Can you imagine what it would be like if we were taught from infancy to be aware of our breathing and unnecessary muscle tension especially when stressed out. Can you imagine a world where everyone had knowledge and experience with chi healing? I think the health care crises in this country would disappear. We would have problems to be sure. There are always going to be problems. But subtract out all the problems that can be treated at home. Subtract out problems caused by prolonged bad breathing patterns and unnecessary muscle tension and you got a lot less suffering. You will have a lot less visits to doctors, hospitals, prisons, therapist of all kinds and divorce lawyers. And you get a lot more money freed up to be used else where. And what was that Beatles song, oh yeah, " And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make"

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Being able to use intentional imagination is one of the most important ingredients in chi kung and in self healing in general. This truth h...