The photographs are from Bill's web site.
The top picture, in Bills words:
"The website organizer ( Bill) training at Yi Chuan with Sifu Donald Wong."
"The website organizer ( Bill) training at Yi Chuan with Sifu Donald Wong."
I will let Bill introduce himself as he did in our medical chi kung yahoo group. His site is well worth exploring. I will say more later. I just wanted to put it out to you ASAP.
Hi All:
In an effort to create one central qigong source to help educate people on resources, I have put together the following website. It includes many people we all know and love and I've worked with all their material in someway or another:
I hope this is helpful...
Many blessings, Bill Rowe
Hi All:
In an effort to create one central qigong source to help educate people on resources, I have put together the following website. It includes many people we all know and love and I've worked with all their material in someway or another:
I hope this is helpful...
Many blessings, Bill Rowe
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