Monday, February 19, 2007

Walk In Beauty.

A big part of education and development is repetition. In that context want to explain my intent once more. My intent is to walk in a good way on a good path . My goal is to be of help to the people of the planet. I chose the healing path. What you chose is up to you. But if you chose the healing path lets walk awhile and see what we can share.
It is not good now in many parts of the world and with many people and families and relationships. If it is good for you, God bless you. But I am talking with people who are not doing so good. Or who know people who are not doing so good. It is for people that have physical/psychological/social/spiritual suffering in their lives and want to learn how to be with it in terms of healing. In most of the world it is not good unless you are rich. Even than it is not that good. So with global warming and high medical costs and an increasingly stressful world we need to know how to help ourselves and each other.
I am here to help people who want it or need it. My path is the shaman path. I walk the dog soldier path.I walk the dervish path. I walk the chi kung path. I walk the Romantic path. I walk the Quan Yin, Rumi, Shems path. I walk the path that has no name or explanation.
What I bring to the fire and the tavern is good real working ways to learn and practice that work more often than not. I bring directions to other paths and introductions when needed. I walk a path that is well traveled. Many many walk in a good way and on many good paths. The people and the paths come together at intervals and needed information is exchanged. This place is one of those places. Be here in a good way and you will profit us all. insAllah.

"What are you doing with your life? How are you exploring the inner and outer worlds? What do you understand about your current condition. How would you describe it? What should I know about you and it? Are you beautiful with the people in your tribe or family or friends? Are you beautiful with your self?" Those are questions I ask people I work with. I ask my my clients and students and colleges These are questions I have been asked and ask myself. I do not assume anything about you. I ask these things because if you want to help someone in pain or discomfort it is important to know these things and much more. It is important for them to know these things or begin to explore them. How do they move or hold their body? What do they look like? How would you describe their skin and how it changes as your exploration with them goes on? What does their breathing tell you. How about the sound of their voice and the way they describe their suffering. The more you do this kind of exploration with them, the better you will be in helping them when they need you the most in the times to come.

You have to explore the person you will be working with. The more difficult the problem the more you will have to explore with them. The key words are" with them." We are midwives more than anything else. Midwifes and coaches and occasionally medics. We help them to start exploring themselves and using their suffering as their classes and field trips. We are all student/healers. We always will be. If we do not learn more and deeper from every healing it is a bad sign. (laugh) We must always have white belt determination. They say that in the martial arts to say we need to keep the same " determined to learn attitude" we had at the height of our new passion or love.
Nobody can make you read or try the things on this blog. You get out of this place what you put into it. Nothing more, nothing less. But if you are into being here, I can assure you there are treasures here for those who are dedicated. Read through this thing. Find something you want to help. Headache, back problem, whatever. Use one of the modalities found here. One hand near. One hand far. Koryo hand therapy. or my favorite site . If you need help doing it just ask for help. It is not hard to ask for help if you get use to it. Here, ask for help.
Let me give you an example. If you are dealing with a headache you might think " OK I will use the Koryo Hand treatment and pulse press Bl17 on both sides of the nails edges at the tip of the middle finger. Usually the headache will subside rather quickly. Not all the time but many times. Than the exploration begins as to what causes the headaches to recur. How does his body breath? Where does he hold his muscle tension. What if he breathed differently and relaxed his muscles? Would the headaches come back and with the same intensity? Usually not. And if they do you will have learned to quickly check breathing and muscle tension and change them if necessary and press Bl17s. Enjoy the results.

When you have tried something and it worked the journey starts in earnest. Until than it is not real.
We cannot depend on the mainline medical community beyond a certain point. It is good to have them there but it is a crap shoot as to the results you will get from their treatments. Or if how they treat you will be effective and affordable . It seems all to often the longer you need medical help the more likely you will run out of the money to pay for it. We all know that is more often reality than not for most people on this planet. I am not just talking about AMA medicine and practitioners. I am speaking of the vast majority of healing schools and practitioners.
You can not depend on may people when you are in real need. Or when a loved one or a friend is in real medical need. So become a healer and let people have a few people they can depend on.

That is why I am doing what I can to have a place people can come and learn how to heal. The first step in a healing school is learning how to learn and to be determined to be good students. And then we can begin to learn about healing and the nature of ourselves and our patients.
We will then be ready to start to see and understand and experience ourselves and others as dynamic interrelated energy fields. We will soon know ourselves and each other not as just physical/psychological/social beings. But also as dynamic fields of interrelating energies existing in context of endless fields greater and smaller than ourselves. The understanding and experiencing of the body as dynamic energy field is key. IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND THE BODY, YOU MUST FIRST UNDERSTAND WHAT CREATED AND SUSTAINS IT. THAT IS THE DYNAMIC ENERGY FIELD WE ARE.
Once you understand the nature and dynamics of the energy field it will be easier to see and understand why chi transmission works so well in so many medical cases. It is life force transmission. Like a blood transfusion but with chi and not just chi. It is like jump starting a car battery. The reality is that energy flows from a strong field to a weaker field. It does not matter if it is from a strong person to a weaker person or from a strong battery to a weak battery. The weaker the battery the more powerful the charge can be. Of course it is well to remember the old adage. " Nothing works for everyone all the time." But be assured, the chi techniques you learn here will work more often than not, if you use them.
Our eyes and other physical senses tell us who or what we are. But they do not see very much or very deep. So we have to explore not just with our eyes and other physical senses. We have to explore with our whole energy being from as many manifestations as possible.
So let's do it.
Latest update on the video recorder search:

I am waiting for a few months to buy a good video camera. I decided if I was going to make videos that are worth using than I should make them as beautiful as possible. A really cool three color chip video camera from Sonny will be out within a few months inshAllah. Than we can make really good quality videos. They will be free and easily accessible through places like youtube. I urge anyone who can and is good, to make tapes of different styles of chi kung and put them on the web. If you make it, it is yours to give away. Will there be bad tapes and stuff put on the web? Mais, oui. But they are out there now. So you, who are real gold, have even more responsibility to share what you know. You make the videos that are worth learning from. And you put them out where they are needed for free. I am not talking to people who do not want to do it. I am talking to the people who when they read this will see the beauty and need and do it. It will be very beautiful when you do.
I am going to make a series of videos that will show you how to treat every thing from headaches to chronic fatigue. The first series will be mostly about chi transmission and include work with breath and relaxation as well. They are ways that I know work more often than not. There are many ways that work. Share the ones you know. Why not? The need is here and the Internet gives us the opportunity to meet and share and help humanity.
I urge you to share what you know with people who need it. And I urge you who are in need to take responsibility for learning and practicing what you learn.
I like this healing path and many of you do and/or will as well. If it is not for you, then that's cool. My first series of projects with our video is to go from the top of the head to the bottom of feet. Each video will show how to treat an area of the body using mostly but not only chi transmission. It will use One hand near one hand far. It will use the Koryo hand therapy paradigm with chi transmission. And it will use treatments from the yin/yang site using chi transmission instead of needles.
I urge you to start a project or help with a project. The key is to learn and do and help and learn and do and help. I urge anyone who wants to contribute in a good and beautiful way to come and dance and sing and help. I urge any who suffer or have people who suffer to come and take this journey. There is enough that works here to make even a short stay worthwhile. And it will get much better as time goes on, inshAllah.

Native people do not say I walk in truth. They say I walk in beauty. Beauty in front of me. Beauty beside me. Beauty above me. Beauty below me. I walk in beauty. I urge you to look at your life and relations not for truth or lies but for beauty or ugliness. Than I urge you to learn how to walk in beauty in all of your life's manifestations, inside and out.

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Being able to use intentional imagination is one of the most important ingredients in chi kung and in self healing in general. This truth h...